Where should I get my slide film developed?


TPF Noob!
Mar 2, 2005
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I've searched long and hard and can't get a clear answer on this question.

Is there a big difference in quality between different places for slides or can I just take it to my local Longs drugstore and be fine? Or should I be taking it to a professional lab?
The main difference is in the quality and freshness of the fluids and the handling of the slides. If you're happy with somewhere then stick with them - it's not that likely with development that there will be that much difference.
If you are talking about E-6 process which is most slide film any lab that processes slide film will do fine. That process is almost exactly like c41 process meaning it is run through a processor.

It all depends on how well that lab maintains their equipment and chemicals. Some labs are kodak monitored labs which means they maintain their labs with kodak standards and I am sure their are labs that do simular standards with fuji and agfa.

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