which one?


TPF Noob!
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
New Jersey
do you like it better in color or B&W?
you are welcome to c&c as well.


thanks :)
I like it better in black+white ... the harsh shadows from the on-camera flash are not quite as prominent in the b+w version.
The pink of the tongue is cute but the shadows really take away from the colour pic for me...
thanks for the feedback. i do know you dont like shadow in the shots, i dont care for it either but not much i can do about that right now being the flash is the best light i have in my house. lol!:confused: to top it off i cant find my camera manual, it wasnt where i left it:x... the bonus of having a teenager that borrows my stuff. :roll: what can ya do?

rambling sorry... if others would like to comment Please do. thanks.
thanks for the feedback.:thumbup:

does anyone have any suggestions on how to take a picture with set settings on a camera with household light that wont come out too dark?
all the different settings i tried either come out really dark or i cant hold the camera still enough to get a focused shot... i should be getting a tripod within a week, hopefully.

thanks for the help :)
I agree on the black and white comments.

Other then a tripod, your only other option I can think of is turning on more lights :)
When I HAVE to use my on-camera flash, because of lack of good lighting and a slow shutter speed cannot be used because of a human/animal subject that cannot stay still long enough - I simply use a napkin, sheet of folded white paper, etc - anything white, to hold in front of my flash. You can try several shots, if still too bright, fold the paper or use more. This really helps reduce the glare and harshness of the onboard flash. It may be a little underexposed, but that is much easier to fix than an overexposed photo.
For those times that I need a bright light, because the flash still is not strong enough, I use a very bright shop light or even one of those long florescent lights, either can be found at any hardware store or walmart.
Hope this helps some...

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