Yet another TPF Selfie


'ya all Bananas I tell 'ya
Supporting Member
Aug 15, 2013
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SE Michigan
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Learned alot doing this Selfie with my limited equipment (ie background, skill, etc lol)
Would like your thoughts. FYI, IR remote in my left hand
So THAT'S the guy whose car we egged last night...huh...
THE ENCHILADAS were some that's wife had made...they were soooo awful...but he figured, you know, waste not, want not...
Camera is to high, you're too close to the bg and not flattering pose for your body type
strange pose
good light
good frame
good timing Designer
I think you need more creative lighting with shot like this and possibly b&w.
Yes @ more creative lighting. I'm learning more about lighting and I'm practicing !!

FYI - the BackGround is not a real BG. If i lower the camera angle then my head is above the BG, it is also right in front of my toes. If I didn't squat down a bit my head would be above the BG even at that camera angle.

I was trying to emulate a photo of Johnny Cash standing in a street pose.

I have a real BG selected, just need the $$$ ($150 from adorama)

But good practice so far. :)
have you considered a chair with feet kicked up guitar in hand pose?
Astro, just use the light in your house. If you have a small room with bright light in it that is connected to a big room, you can do the following. Turn off all light except the light in the small room. Now you practically have a giant soft box (the small room). You can use the door as the flag to block unwanted light (on the background for example). You probably have to use somewhat slow shutter but the camera will be on a tripod and you probably can stand still (and keep ISO somewhat low). Thats what I did on this shot except I fired a flash into the room instead of using the room light. I think this kind of lighting would help with that pose. The farther away the background, the darker you can make the background (plus you can use the door to block the unwanted light hitting the background).

Astro, just use the light in your house. If you have a small room with bright light in it that is connected to a big room, you can do the following. Turn off all light except the light in the small room. Now you practically have a giant soft box (the small room). You can use the door as the flag to block unwanted light (on the background for example). You probably have to use somewhat slow shutter but the camera will be on a tripod and you probably can stand still (and keep ISO somewhat low). Thats what I did on this shot except I fired a flash into the room instead of using the room light. I think this kind of lighting would help with that pose. The farther away the background, the darker you can make the background (plus you can use the door to block the unwanted light hitting the background).


That's a kewl idea .. though it took me a little bit to develop the correlation in my head ... pregnant lady .. me ... hmmmm

I do have 3 flashes w/umbrellas to work with. The above photo I had 2 stacked on the right otherwise the lower half was very dark.

I'll try something like that with one of my saxes .. I'm primarily a jazz saxophonist than a guitarist and I'll have to work with the reflective surfaces more.

Though I don't want my "gut" to be misinterpreted as being pregnant either ...
THE ENCHILADAS were some that's wife had made...they were soooo awful...but he figured, you know, waste not, want not...

Well I didn't marry her because she was a good cook. I married her because.. um... hmm.. well I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time.. lol
I have to work on it some more .. but here's something for starters
a bit too dark. a black backdrop would help. I just have to get the light / shutter right. I'm using a flash in a diff room with the door open, and then shooting me.

You don't need a black bg if the wall is far enough for the light to reach. Yeah.. You are heading there. Just use the same settings and maybe double the power of the light.

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