
  1. dstreetphoto

    Steam over the Pembroke River

    Another from my series featuring Pembroke Power Station and Refinery. One of the reasons I keep coming back to this location is that no two days are the same. On this occasion, the conditions were clear and bright with a plume of steam billowing from Pembroke Power stations cooling towers. By...
  2. M

    Anyone who owns the Fuji 18-55mm and Sigma 18-50mm

    I've read a lot of reviews and all that. But I would really like to hear from a everyday user. How is the Sigma compared to the Fuji? Are the famous Fuji colors there with the Sigma lens? How's the general look and feel, is it more a digital feeling with the Sigma?
  3. M

    Sinner's Welcome.

    I didn't know if I should have taken it or not, I decided to take it, Any CC welcome.
  4. Flavio

    Should I Buy the Fuji 35mm f2?

    Hi everyone! I have a Fuji X-T20 and also a Fuji 35mm f1.4. I like this lens, but sometimes I wish it was faster to autofocus and didn´t make those noises autofocusing when I'm shooting video...so, I'm considering to order the 35mm f2. I also have the fuji 16mm f2.8 and I love the small size...
  5. Destin

    Some recent sunrise photos

    Hey ya'll. Found a couple of days over the last several weeks to get out and shoot some sunrises, and had some great luck with conditions cooperating. Wanted to share a few images that I'm reasonably happy with. C&C always welcome. All images shot on the fuji X-T3 with the 10-24. Images 1 and...
  6. Fujidave

    The Windmill

    Taken with my Fuji X100V, West Blatchington windmill. Ghostly Windmill by Dave, on Flickr
  7. M

    Classic Ford Mustang on a sunny Day.

    Saw a Classic car I couldn't refuse to take a picture of, I used a vintage lens and didn't know if I actually got the focus right but I think I nailed it, some what edited on light room. Any CC welcomed.
  8. Flavio

    Viltrox 85mm 1.8 - Should I buy it?

    Hi everyone! I've been thinking about buying a longer focal length lens (I have the 23mm, 35mm, 18-50mm) to see if I'll like it or not, but I'm not sure if I will regreat it... My main "photo targets" are my kids (1 and 4 year old), my family, street photography, landscapes, all of these has a...
  9. Fujidave


    Using the Fuji X-H1 + XF 50mm f2 wide open today, this is Lo a lovely young lady who plays guitar but as the sun came out we did a few shots outside. Lo by Dave, on Flickr
  10. Fujidave

    Roxi Taken with Fuji

    Roxi taken with the X-H1 and XF90mm f2. I know about the bit of speaker left in but Roxi loves it. Roxi by Dave, on Flickr
  11. Fujidave

    Abi Flynn Sings Jazz

    So took both the X-T3 and Ricoh GRII last night to the Paris House to shoot the Jazz gig, these are with the X-T3 + XF50mm f2. 1 Abi Flynn by Dave, on Flickr 2 Baseman by Dave, on Flickr 3 In the Zone by Dave, on Flickr 4 Abi by Dave, on Flickr 5 Abi Sings Jazz by Dave, on Flickr
  12. Fujidave

    Brighton Royal Pavilion

    This is just a bit of the back of the Royal Pavilion here in town, taken today with the X100F. Royal Pavilion by Dave, on Flickr
  13. Fujidave

    Squirrel with the X100F

    Taken today all I did was lean over the rails with the X100F and snap. Squirrel by Dave, on Flickr
  14. Fujidave

    P PIE

    Pigeon pie today, taken with the X100F. Sitting Pretty by Dave, on Flickr
  15. psaltis

    SOLD: Fujifilm X-M1 (full spectrum) infrared (IR)

    For Sale Fujifilm X-M1 (full spectrum) infrared body and L-Plate - $325 I purchased this camera about a year ago. I enjoyed shooting with it. But decided for my old eyes, I'd be best suited by a body that has an viewfinder and have recently bought an IR converted X-E2. So this body is up for...
  16. Fujidave

    Double Time

    Perspex again with my Rotary watch, X100F. Double Time by Dave, on Flickr
  17. Fujidave

    Flower Reflection X100F

    Weather here today is grotty, so out came the perspex. Flower Reflection by Dave, on Flickr
  18. Fujidave


    Rosie having a good sing, X-T3 + XF90mm f2 @f2 Rosie by Dave, on Flickr
  19. Fujidave


    Taken yesterday X-T3 + XF 50-140mm must admit I quite like this lens. Louis by Dave, on Flickr
  20. Fujidave

    Yellow and Red with 90mm

    Had some fun the other day with the X-T3 + XF90mm f2 @f2 Yellow and Red by Dave, on Flickr
  21. Fujidave

    XF56mm f1.2 Gets the Thumbs Up

    X-T3 + XF56mm f1.2 wide open, taken today this man asked if I`d take his shot so I did :)
  22. Fujidave


    This is Eric a lovely man who I see quite often when taking photos of the singers. Taken with the X-T3 + XF 50mm f2 and had fun in Nik Collection. 1 2
  23. Fujidave


    Not really, just a bloke today shot with the X-T3 + XF90mm f2. Man in Black by Dave, on Flickr
  24. Fujidave


    Big face knocker, taken today X-T3 + XF 35mm f2 is the Royal pavilion it is one of two big door knockers. The Knocker by Dave, on Flickr
  25. Fujidave

    Two Faced

    X-T3 + XF 50mm f2 taken today. Sooc too only a straighten.
  26. Fujidave

    Brighton Clocktower

    Taken today with the Fuji X100F and edited it C1 Pro 12 and Affinity Photo. PS: I know about the cable forgot about it. Brighton Clocktower by Dave, on Flickr
  27. Fujidave

    Brighton Bandstand and Cafe

    Taken today using the Fuji X100F, showing the Brighton Bandstand and the little cafe underneath. Brighton Bandstand and Cafe by Dave, on Flickr
  28. Fujidave

    X100F Bumps into Rusty

    The original Victorian pillars from the West pier today. Rusty by Dave, on Flickr
  29. Fujidave

    Moon Base Alpha

    Just having some fun with the Brighton I360.
  30. R

    In which camera system should I put my money on?

    Hi all, I’m an amateur photographer and I have a canon 550D and 6D mark1. I really like both cameras but I started working far from home and I want a camera to replace my 550D in a small format to more easily carry around. I was thinking in entry level mirrorless cameras but I can’t decide in...
  31. Fujidave

    On the Mobile

    On the mobile phone while waiting at the bus stop, love to just use the back screen of this X100F as they don`t know you are snapping them, edited in C1 Pro 12 and finished in Nik Collection via AP. At the Bus Stop by Dave, on Flickr
  32. Fujidave

    Spitfire Shadow

    The one and only flying Spitfire sparkplug and I own it.
  33. Fujidave

    I`ve Seen the Light

    Taken the other day with the X100F and edited in C1 Pro 12 and finished in Affinity Photo, I wanted it dark and moody of the Prince Regent and am happy with it even though it might be marmite to some. I`ve Seen the Light by Dave, on Flickr
  34. Fujidave

    Portrait of Beauty

    When we got Susie from the RSPCA they told us she hates rain and snow, so a quick image of my beautiful little girl taken with the X-T3 + XF 90mm f2 @f2. Portrait of Beauty by Dave, on Flickr
  35. Fujidave

    X100F Reflections

    Far too cold to take a camera out, so a quick indoor playtime.
  36. Fujidave

    Abi Sings Jazz

    X-T3 + XF 50mm f2 the other week at the Paris House in town, I wanted it dark and moody looking as I think some jazz is like that. Jazz Night by Dave, on Flickr
  37. Fujidave

    Jazz Night

    Last nights jazz night at the Paris House here in town, loved using the X100F at last at a gig. Playing the Sax by Dave Rohan, on Flickr Jazz Night by Dave Rohan, on Flickr
  38. Fujidave

    Brighton Royal Pavilion

    This is one of only a once in a blue moon shot from me, the Brighton Royal Pavilion from the back gardens. Not a great shot, but it is to show why I NEVER go to far back to take the shot as you can clearly see the horrible block of flats in the background that ruins a chance of a great shot...
  39. Fujidave

    I LOVE

    I love my bike, spotted today in town, X100F.
  40. Fujidave

    Fuji X100F Graffiti

    So as the sun was out today I had a nice little walk round town looking for some more graffiti, taken with the X100F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11