
just out of interest, who are the top 10 members for creating threads?

You can find out in Advanced Search.
Corry has started 200 threads.
Ferny 200.
Hertz 181.
LaFoto 200.
I think there must be a 200 limit...

And in the search I found:
LaFoto's sister
LaFotos Aunts hairdresser! :lol:
The limit on the searches is 200....I think that's to keep from overloading the server with searches or something like that.
And people call ME a spammer!
"If the shoe fits....."
Are you inferring I'm a spammer? I can track you down, you know, and you aren't exactly mobile right now, are you?
So, does it also say how many threads people have ended?
Just to see who the thread-killers are...:mrgreen:

Most of the real thread killers are Mods.

Except for just one...

Puscas = 3,562

:lol::lol::lol: eh....what? :confused: Hey, wait a minute...:irked: .... I KNEW IT! :soapbox: you guys left me hanging 3,562 times???

(oh, I know where this is going. You are all NOT going to respond now, are you?)

(are you?)


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