

TPF Supporters
Supporting Member
Aug 2, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
ISO 400
GF 80mm f/1.7 R WR
63mm Equivalent
(Processed In LR & PS)


Cheers & Thanks For Looking,

Beautiful shot...
Nicely done! Good use of the tracks leading into the train. Good choice on processing. As we discussed cropping the bottom just a tad and adding that to the top will move the engine down creating better weight distribution in image. The only other thing I noticed is the image appears slightly off level.

I know you were in compliance while shooting this one, but just a reminder for others planning a similar shot - It is illegal to access private railroad property anywhere other than a designated pedestrian or roadway crossing. Like other risky locations, photographers can get tunnel vision, and forget the danger.
Nice shot.....

@Jeff15 Thanks Man...

Beautiful shot...

@ekool Thank you very much...

Nicely done! Good use of the tracks leading into the train. Good choice on processing. As we discussed cropping the bottom just a tad and adding that to the top will move the engine down creating better weight distribution in image. The only other thing I noticed is the image appears slightly off level.

I know you were in compliance while shooting this one, but just a reminder for others planning a similar shot - It is illegal to access private railroad property anywhere other than a designated pedestrian or roadway crossing. Like other risky locations, photographers can get tunnel vision, and forget the danger.

@smoke665 Thanks Dude... lol

Nice shot.

@slat Thank you...

Wonderfully done!

@jeffashman Thanks...

@Chase McCloud Thank you & welcome to the forum...

Thank you again everyone...!

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