2 insects, CC appereciated


TPF Noob!
Aug 26, 2011
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I was dragonfly hunting this morning, and I could not find any. I suppose it was too cold. Anyhow, I ended up snapping these 2 that I liked. Any CC on these?

Butterfly by kamelean, on Flickr

Grasshopper by kamelean, on Flickr
Would be nice if you could see a bit more detail on the first one. At least that is what I find most appealing in Macro.
I have to agree with photographiend. For me, detail is key in macro. Other people may not feel that way but I am just so interested in seeing these things in extreme detail.

The second one is pretty cool though
Pretty moth.. pretty hopper.. but either get closer, or do some cropping. Too much background.
I have to agree with photographiend. For me, detail is key in macro. Other people may not feel that way but I am just so interested in seeing these things in extreme detail.

The second one is pretty cool though

oooohhhh.. I like that! ;) Extreme detail... my favorite!
I do like the first one. The moth reminds me of a spunky little kid. IDK why, but I found humor in that image :)
I do like the first one. The moth reminds me of a spunky little kid. IDK why, but I found humor in that image :)

Jess.. you are lovely, but strange! lol! And that's OK! :p
Since I missed a bit on the focus on the first one, I have all but given up on it. Here's a crop on the hopper. I took out as much of the background as I could without compromising the shot itself. Better?

Bug2Crop by kamelean, on Flickr
yes.. significantly better! Now one can actually see some detail.. for instance the nicely spotted eyes. Lovely!
Don't place the subject in the center, rule of thirds. As for the crop on the grasshopper, cropping the left portion would have been better IMO. It give a feeling that the insect has space to move forward. :) Nice pics by the way!
Don't place the subject in the center, rule of thirds. As for the crop on the grasshopper, cropping the left portion would have been better IMO. It give a feeling that the insect has space to move forward. :) Nice pics by the way!

Agreed! These are very nice shots and I'm sure if you cropped the butterfly one a little, maybe did a rule of thirds composition like bunadski suggested, it'll look even more fantastic :)

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