2000 posts?


TPF Noob!
Aug 14, 2007
Reaction score
Windsor, Ontario
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
That don't seem right...
I post a lot man...sheesh.

Perhaps I shouldn't spend all day on the forum...lol.
...and with little content...

Well that was kind of mean...
But oh well. I am by no means the most knowledgeable person here...I will never claim that. However, I try to help when I can in some way. If you don't find my posts helpful, that's fine. I'm sure I've helped at least one person...and that's what I feel is important.

Plus, even if I didn't help...discussion is the whole point of a forum, is it not? Hence, Discussion board.

I'm sorry that's your opinion of me.
No hard feelings, though...it's the internet...lol
Perhaps this is in reference to the number of photo's you upload VS the typing thing?

Here is some kitty for all your trouble :cat:

-Shea :sexywink:


Well, I must say. I like being on the forum...and right now I don't exactly enjoy going out taking pictures. If you lived here, I doubt you would either. Raining one minute, snowing the next...
There's literally nothing interesting around me right now...(I'm sure I could find SOMETHING...but it's crappy out). I don't post many pictures, because I haven't had a chance to take many lately. :( I wish I could...lol.
Perhaps this is in reference to the number of photo's you upload VS the typing thing?

Here is some kitty for all your trouble :cat:

-Shea :sexywink:

I knew there was something I liked about you Shea. For the life of me, I can't remember what it was at this moment.
Congratulations :)

Yes, they do add up in a way ;)
Eather that or you should spread the love to more forums

actually, I gave up on my usual forum I was on before I came here. People were getting pretty immature (namely the mods)...and all the senior members were getting banned. There was a policy about not linking to other forums, not having your own website related to the site and using your connections to advertise, etc, etc...so I just stopped going less about once every 2 weeks or every month just to see what's up.

This forum is one of the best I've ever been to...so I think I'm going to stick around here for most of my spare time.
actually, I gave up on my usual forum I was on before I came here. People were getting pretty immature (namely the mods)...and all the senior members were getting banned. There was a policy about not linking to other forums, not having your own website related to the site and using your connections to advertise, etc, etc...so I just stopped going less about once every 2 weeks or every month just to see what's up.

This forum is one of the best I've ever been to...so I think I'm going to stick around here for most of my spare time.

I know of a forum similar to that. that is some strict rules and total BS, Don't blame you for dumping them.
Oops, by the time all the Christmas visits to and fro are over and I am back to having some time for TPF again, you have even made it to 2017 posts! Well, sorry for being late ("Life" ... what a bugger! ;)) and

all the same!
You mean to be posting A LOT? :scratch:
Oh well...
Oops, by the time all the Christmas visits to and fro are over and I am back to having some time for TPF again, you have even made it to 2017 posts! Well, sorry for being late ("Life" ... what a bugger! ;)) and

all the same!
You mean to be posting A LOT? :scratch:
Oh well...

Yes, I know...23,000 posts, my dear...I shall have them one day lol.
I spend enough time here...ahaha

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