250110 Toronto Night Time Lapse Sony a6400 with Canon FD 50mm 1.4 Lens


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Oct 21, 2016
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This time of the year (essentially from mid-Dec to mid-Feb) the evening sky is often overcast, making images of or with stars rare. This is a fairly lengthy time-lapse at almost 11 minutes. Parameters were 1 frame per second, starting at about 0:52 (almost an hour after midnight). The lens was slightly out of focus this time, though, for my purpose, it's hard to say whether it is better or worse as a result. In some cases, the resulting stars are a bit larger, which makes them easier to see. The wide open aperture, which adds to the problem, was necessary due to the limit of the "S&Q" ("slow and quick") mode for this camera, which limits the maximum exposure per frame to 1/30 sec. It would have been nice if Sony had allowed longer exposures in this mode. I have not added sound to this version, so it won't disturb anyone, if you watch it :).

Posted to YouTube Jan 10, 2025, at about 10:52.


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