3 quickie shots of the little one..


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score


Lovely shots Thor.

The first one IMO would be better if cropped a little tighter so that the diaper (??) doesn't show. Emotes the same feelings as when I see wannabe gangstas with the top of their trousers around their knees. She's too precious in this shot to stir those feelings.

Any parent has been there in the second shot. Well done and I hope you and your partner have patience at these times.

The third is the essence of childhood. Wonderment. I just wish you hadn't cropped her right arm. The expression is priceless.
thanks !!

hey dont be madogging, shes from the westside. hardcore gansta.

represent yo

lol just kidding.. yeah I was a little hasty with my cropping or lack of in that shot.
Awesome, the colours are so great!
I really like the first and third, but I think the second one would be better from a different angle, if possible. It looks like she's falling off the frame. All of them have really great colors, though.
if only more shots of peoples kids were like these...
Really nice work, 2 and 3 are the best.

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