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30D, 40D or 5D?


TPF Noob!
Mar 22, 2008
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My first post here. Iv'e been a lurker here for a year or so reading, gleaning and learning.
I currently shoot a Canon 10D and my lenses consist of
Tamron DiII AF 18-200 f/3.5-6.3 XR
Canon EF 70-300 f/4.5-5.6 IS USM
Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM

I shoot everything from portraits to fast action and wildlife both far and near.

It's time to upgrade to a better body.
Question is which body?

At first I was leaning towards getting a 5D but I'm not sure I would benifit from the FF sensor especially when shooting wildlife with long lenses.
My other options are the 30D and the 40D.
I know that the 20D and 30D would be a step up especially for shooting in low light from what I've read. So I would probably buy a new 30D.
What advantages would I be getting by going one more step to the 40D and the substantial price increase?
I would rather put the savings into more L glass and dump the Tamron lens and the 70-300. Thanks in advance for all comments. Below are some examples of my work




Go with the 30D. 5 FPS is good enough to capture the images you're looking for and staying with a x1.6 FOVC body will combine with your long lenses for the types of shots you go for. Great pictures by the way, the first 2 are amazing.
Welcome aboard.

Personally, I'd go for the 40D...it's got a nice list of improvements over the 30D. The 30D was basically a 20D with a face lift...so the technology in the 40D is several years ahead of the 30D...which is quite a bit when talking about cameras & electronics.

Really, the price difference, while significant, isn't much when you stretch it over the life of the body...and having the latest technology should keep you from wanting to upgrade for a bit longer.

I know several photographers who are using the 40D....and they are all very happy with them, even the ones that are coming from the 20D or 30D.

The 5D is a pretty good camera but I think that for the reasons that you point out, a 40D might be the better choice, especially considering that vast price difference.
Well I went with the 40D. I got a great price and a $100.00 rebate to boot so it was just over a grand. Hard to pass up and I believe I will make use of all the upgrades on the 40D. Plus I still have some cash to put towards some new L lenses.
I love my 40D, pick up a 28-135 IS USM if you get the chance or at least try it out in a store. For what you are talking about shooting it's an amazing lens!
The 40D arrived yesterday and today I got to play around with it a bit. I think I'm gonna be happy with it.

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