35mm or 50mm ?


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Dec 18, 2014
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Hello Nikon shooters,
i need suggestion from you'll for my next lens. i have Nikon D7100 with 18-105 lens I am planning for prime lens. can anyone suggest me should I consider 35mm or 50mm ?

Thanks in advance...
happy clicking...
I'd recommend the 50mm f1.8D for the D7100. You can get it very cheap, brand new it's around $100. I've literally paid more for a filter and it's still a damn fine lens.

So after you've saved all this money, you may want to consider a good tripod some lighting equipment (flashes) and some light modifiers. This will improve your photography far more than any lens will.

By the way, double posts are frowned upon ;)
It depends from what you like to shoot most. In my (short) experience, on DX format, 50mm works best for portaits. 35mm always gave me the feeling of a lens that limited me on this style: main subject important/background not important. On DX my favourite one is 24mm but I shoot street/reportage overall. It helps giving the sense of "you were there" and helps me in my way of trying to tell a story. But you can do as I did to choose my favourite focal lenght. Tape you zoom for a week at a focal lenght and use only that focal lenght. Then you change the week after. It's the best way to understand strength and weakness of the focals.
I'd recommend the 50mm f1.8D for the D7100. You can get it very cheap, brand new it's around $100. I've literally paid more for a filter and it's still a damn fine lens.

So after you've saved all this money, you may want to consider a good tripod some lighting equipment (flashes) and some light modifiers. This will improve your photography far more than any lens will.

By the way, double posts are frowned upon ;)

Thanks for the reply,
I thought the same buying 50mm f1.8D but check out this video on youtube this changed my view.
It depends from what you like to shoot most. In my (short) experience, on DX format, 50mm works best for portaits. 35mm always gave me the feeling of a lens that limited me on this style: main subject important/background not important. On DX my favourite one is 24mm but I shoot street/reportage overall. It helps giving the sense of "you were there" and helps me in my way of trying to tell a story. But you can do as I did to choose my favourite focal lenght. Tape you zoom for a week at a focal lenght and use only that focal lenght. Then you change the week after. It's the best way to understand strength and weakness of the focals.
Thanks for the reply Benjo255 that's what I am doing right now, testing my kit lens with 35mm and 50mm . But i do not have time, I am getting a good deal on both so need to make decision quick...
Thanks for the reply Benjo255 that's what I am doing right now, testing my kit lens with 35mm and 50mm . But i do not have time, I am getting a good deal on both so need to make decision quick...

Bad way to make a decision. So if you must, pick the one that will save you money. Picking a lens is like picking a sexual partner. if you rush in then you are much more likely to not have it work out.

You are probably better off buying a flash if you don't have one (or two). Your 15-105 will take awesome pictures with enough light.
Thanks for the reply Benjo255 that's what I am doing right now, testing my kit lens with 35mm and 50mm . But i do not have time, I am getting a good deal on both so need to make decision quick...

Bad way to make a decision. So if you must, pick the one that will save you money. Picking a lens is like picking a sexual partner. if you rush in then you are much more likely to not have it work out.

You are probably better off buying a flash if you don't have one (or two). Your 15-105 will take awesome pictures with enough light.
Thanks qleak...
so what do you suggest me go for 50mm 1.8D lens ? Then what kind of flash and filters do you think I should go for...also I am an intermediate level user ...I am still learning dslr and all...I might be taking a course (unless you suggest any other way o learn photography)..please let me know ...

so what do you suggest me go for 50mm 1.8D lens ?

Easily my favorite lens. Performance / Value wise it's a very good deal (I've spent more on a single B+W filter for a bigger lens). In many situations you may find it a little too telephoto on your D7100. This is why I went for the Sigma 18-35mm f1.8, but it's not nearly as fun to shoot with as the 50mm. I'm honestly fairly sure it was a waste of money at the moment.

Then what kind of flash and filters do you think I should go for...also I am an intermediate level user ...I am still learning dslr and all...I might be taking a course (unless you suggest any other way o learn photography)..please let me know ...

A course is a good idea. It will certainly get you shooting and give you'll get some experience. It may however depend on the course you're taking. Explore all options, art schools, technical schools, community colleges, camera clubs, photography shops. Each may provide a different experience.

Books are also good. I'm currently learning from Light Science and Magic.

There are also some very nice websites. Here are a few I find myself coming back to:
Another cheap yet effective way to improve your photos is an exhibition of a great master's pictures. Here in Italy we had this year a Izis Bidermanas' exhibition (or gallery, I don't know which is the correct translation) and I cannot say my level remained the same after then. This supposing you look critically to the pictures, not only seeing them as many people does.

As a book I suggest Michael Freeman, "Photographer's eye". A must read.
Hello Nikon shooters,
i need suggestion from you'll for my next lens. i have Nikon D7100 with 18-105 lens I am planning for prime lens. can anyone suggest me should I consider 35mm or 50mm ?

Thanks in advance...
happy clicking...

I have the Nikkor 35mm f1.8 and the Nikkor 50mm f1.4. Here's my input:

1. 35mm: terrific bargain, feels cheap but very tough and hardy, very reliable, like all wide angles you get some distortion if you're shooting indoors (windows and doors will not look straight for instance). You get chromatic aberration in bright light when shooting wide open. If you shoot landscapes or indoors a lot or in tight spaces, go for the 35mm.

2. 50mm: I like to play with aperture. I actually shoot a lot at f1.4 (where the edge of the grape is in focus and back part of it is a blur). Sharp lens. Simply not as useful shooting in tight spaces or indoors--it benefits from being outside or in a decent-sized studio or a place you can backup if you're trying to shoot a full-figure pose (rather than just a head-shot). You'll see noticeably less distortion with the 50mm.

I haven't used the 50mm f1.8 so I won't comment on that. The 35mm DX f1.8 will be dirt cheap (and certainly much cheaper than the 50mm f 1.4). Both are fine lens, reliable, compact, focus quickly and will produce lovely bokeh. You'll be happy with either. But look at what you tend to shoot the most, the space you shoot in, then let that help you decide.
Maybe get the 35mm 1.8 FX. It is not as affordable as the DX lens but if/when you want to go Full Frame you won't have to sell off the DX.

food for thought
Guys i went with 50mm 1.8G , I got lens+light room 5 for $216
I have both, if I could only take one lens to a photo shoot, it would be the 35mm f/1.8 The 50mm is great for portraits and can produce beautiful out of focus background blur but, it is too long for groups and or landscape and too short for real telephoto work. The 35mm has an angle of acceptance similar to the human eye which makes it the ideal all around working lens. For no more than they cost, get both.


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Thanks for your reply...this time I went with the 50mm. I have been lots of research about 50mm Vs 35mm went to best buy tested n d7100 , and got the 50mm. Problem I found in 35mm was when taking close ups nose was blowing out..did not like that....as i will be using this for mostly closeups, portraits and a landscape
return it and save $100.00 going with the D model since you paid for the AF motor in your camera body already.
Just sayin'. All of my glass are AF with the exception of one. But I'm cheap and AF focus sounds don't bother me. I don't notice.
Either way, congrats on the 50mm. They're awesome lenses.

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