40D Viewfinder Issue


TPF Noob!
Jan 11, 2008
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In the viewfinder of my 40D, when the top focus point is selected I can see a kind of "ghosting" or red blur above it. Has anybody else seen this or know what could cause this? The camera is brand new and I'm not sure if this is an issue worth taking it in for or if there is just dirt somewhere.
Sounds like a tiny smudge on the focus screen over the AP point. If it don't show in the picture taken . Forget its there.:)
I had an eos A2 35mm body that did that once, lower edge of focusing screen, it would glow a bit if the focus indicator was lit. Similar systems in play: I took it to my shop and let them do a cleaning. They told me it was "quite a bit of dust" that did it to me. Your results may vary...

Good luck.
You know, I never noticed it before or paid attention to it but I just checked and mine does the exact same thing. Even when I have all 9 points selected. It's like it's glowing above the top one. I've cleaned my focusing screen recently so maybe it's just how it is?
My 20D does the same thing, it's so small and I htought it was just a byproduct of pointing a laser at a piece of transparent plastic.
Yeah apparently it is normal for the 40D. I went down to the local camera shop to check out their 40D and sure enough it was exactly the same as mine.

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