8km walk up & down hills.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 13, 2024
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Australia Victoria
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Nearly winter here and the critter action is pretty slow, can't wait till spring arrives but its fungi season and the knees n' back arnt agreeing with it🤣!

This one must be edible because i went back out the next day and a pesky human picked it.

This i have no clue as yet because i haven't looked these up yet, was wondering what a jelly fish was doing on a log in the middle of the flora n' fauna reserve.

Something purple?
Fungi and mushrooms really need to be focus stacked hey?

Dont really edit except for exposure and cropping & i dont have any proper editing tools except for the free stuff on the tablet apps.
Wonderful set! According the iNaturalist, the second one is a snow fungus. The first one is possibly a chantrelle (edible and highly sought after), but could be a false chantrelle... I wouldn't take a nibble to find out... 🤢
Wonderful set! According the iNaturalist, the second one is a snow fungus. The first one is possibly a chantrelle (edible and highly sought after), but could be a false chantrelle... I wouldn't take a nibble to find out... 🤢
Good research & Cheers Mr, they were good finds, going back out there on Sunday or Monday to look around.

It's definitely a true chantrelle, it does look pretty darn tasty hey but i don't eat mushrooms. If i find another i might pick it and try it.

The purple one is this,

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