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a blue Vette...


TPF Noob!
May 30, 2012
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As far as car photography goes, I think these are some of the best I've seen on here lately. First is definitely my favorite. I like the background and I think the lighting complements the lines of the car (and my, that's a sexy 'vette!). The last two aren't bad; while the clouds are cool by themselves, they are a little distracting.
Overall I like the shots, would have liked to seen a bit more even lighting. in 1 the front is lit up nicely but the back gets to dark and splotchy. how did you go about lighting these?
Pretty car photos!

#1: Nice. Just level it. Maybe crop a tad closer.
#2: Needs more light on the right - pop in the front wheel? Overall seems a little bit underexposed. What's that bluish patch on the right ground? Is it a processed shadow? It almost looks like the car is sitting on a sheet of clear bluish plastic - like those plastic pads that go under office chairs. It doesn't look natural and distracts my attention.
#3: Best photo. Looks way more natural. Just add some light to the rear and make that exhaust pop a bit. Clone out debris on ground behind the rear wheel. The cloud is kind of weird, but oh well..

I'm not a Vette girl, but you're making me want one. :)
I think these are excellent and I am impressed... good job!
Overall I like the shots, would have liked to seen a bit more even lighting. in 1 the front is lit up nicely but the back gets to dark and splotchy. how did you go about lighting these?

It was pitch black dark, these are long exposures, I simply walked alongside of the car with a simple handheld led torch. Since it was dark, I wanted to light the car from a downward high angle, and purposely wanted some areas of the car to be dark and have shadows.
Me and my son do these nightshots for many of the locals, I tend to want my images dark and emphasizing the night, where he tends to light the cars up more.
Such as this image of a black 2010 Camaro, I wanted it dark and somewhat sinister looking.

i was wondering if you might be doing something like that. i was leaning more to a single flash that you walked around and flashed with. i dont mind the darker shot either. i myself just like to see a bit more even lighting. its nice to see someone taking a photo of a car and taking into account the background though. not enough people do that.
As far as car photography goes, I think these are some of the best I've seen on here lately. First is definitely my favorite. I like the background and I think the lighting complements the lines of the car (and my, that's a sexy 'vette!). The last two aren't bad; while the clouds are cool by themselves, they are a little distracting.

The clouds were a bummer, we try and go on clear nights with the sole purpose of capturing stars, this one was shot a few days ago with my $129 Olympus Camera, we had alot
of star coverage on this night.

Pretty car photos!

#1: Nice. Just level it. Maybe crop a tad closer.
#2: Needs more light on the right - pop in the front wheel? Overall seems a little bit underexposed. What's that bluish patch on the right ground? Is it a processed shadow? It almost looks like the car is sitting on a sheet of clear bluish plastic - like those plastic pads that go under office chairs. It doesn't look natural and distracts my attention.
#3: Best photo. Looks way more natural. Just add some light to the rear and make that exhaust pop a bit. Clone out debris on ground behind the rear wheel. The cloud is kind of weird, but oh well..

I'm not a Vette girl, but you're making me want one. :)

Another shot of #3, lit better, as said before, some are meant to be darker on the bottom, while others are fully lit.

I may have to try that. i usually stop once i lose the colors in the sky.
I like that last image a lot better. And that Camaro certainly looks very sinister!

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