A Damp afternoon in Lakeland


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Jun 1, 2010
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Nice, especially #3. But if it is a damp day and as I suspect #4 is a pub, why were you outside?
Nice, especially #3. But if it is a damp day and as I suspect #4 is a pub, why were you outside?

I took it before going in for a quick pint of local stout.
Except for 3,4 and 6, i would have cut away the for ground to make it wider landscapes and to go near role of third... #7 is beautiful as of now :)

rule* :p
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Thanks for the feedback. I'm not a slave to the rule of thirds, but most of these already do conform to the rule of thirds.
Nor me a slave of that rule; i suggested that just because when i scrolled down to hide foreground, i felt that those images turned more impressive; may be just personal ;)
Regards :)
Nice, the 6 and 7 are my favourite!
For me, #6 is the only image that holds enough interest for continued study. There is a good entry point foreground (the water) and reeds that point the eye to the smaller centrally located tree and the other trees off to the left help to balance out the composition of darks, lights and leading lines. 5 gets close but 6 does it. 7 is so over sharpened, I lose interest immediately. #'s 2 and 3 on a pano crop might make a good scenic though the scene really lacks a strong centralized focal point.

On #2 with a pano crop and playing with your most prominent diagonals, you might be able to generate more visual counterbalances but having a stronger centralized focal point would be the best interest generator.


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