A dog and his bone CC


TPF Noob!
Oct 3, 2011
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Western MA, USA
Can others edit my Photos
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I am trying to capture some images for a books. The images will only be thumbnails for small daily digest type material. (basically my boss has been asked to compile his weekly newsletter and we need to replace some of our images because not all of them are reproducible) (my boss thought all images in google were free...*head slap*). So here is my first attempt. The newsletter for this one is called "the dog and his bone". Which one of these do you think might work? Or should I re-shoot?




4. just showing off my well behaved pitbull mix

Not seeing any photos or even a useable link.
I like the 1st one the best. The last one won't work due to the shadow of the photographer in it
Really? #2 and #3 have busy backgrounds? I know the focus is off in the first one, but since its just going to be a thumbnail I wasn't sure if it mattered. The last one was just a quick one time shot, I know its not usable.

What would make them better and not 'snap shots'? I got down on his level, got good DOF,.. what did I miss? I'm really trying to learn and get better and would appreciate any constructive advice.
Really? #2 and #3 have busy backgrounds? I know the focus is off in the first one, but since its just going to be a thumbnail I wasn't sure if it mattered. The last one was just a quick one time shot, I know its not usable.

What would make them better and not 'snap shots'? I got down on his level, got good DOF,.. what did I miss? I'm really trying to learn and get better and would appreciate any constructive advice.

No but 3 should have been landscape and 2 is framed too far to the right
Really? #2 and #3 have busy backgrounds? I know the focus is off in the first one, but since its just going to be a thumbnail I wasn't sure if it mattered. The last one was just a quick one time shot, I know its not usable.

What would make them better and not 'snap shots'? I got down on his level, got good DOF,.. what did I miss? I'm really trying to learn and get better and would appreciate any constructive advice.

Get closer with a longer lens, in this shot the background is not great but i used 180mm@F4

Try and get the eyes, shot 1 has eyes but is soft
I was dealing with a pretty busy background. Remember this is just a thumbnail for a newsletter. Here is one that is more landscape and probably the crop size I would use for the book.

Before crop to show you my crappy background...


After crop, a little soft though, I was focusing on the bone instead of the eye. I could PS the pole coming out of his ear...

What do you mean, it is just a thumbnail for a news letter. it does not matter what it is for you should always think about the things that make a good shot
gsgary said:
What do you mean, it is just a thumbnail for a news letter. it does not matter what it is for you should always think about the things that make a good shot

I'm sorry, I really do want to make it the best i can but I'm frustrated I guess. I shot them from close at first then changed to my longer lense because I wanted more DOF. I know I should have focused in the eyes not the bone/mouth, what else can I do to make it better?
So thats how you hide a dead body ? ;)
Don't you mean you want less DOF to blur the background ? how long did you spend outside shooting your dog ? getting good shots takes time and patience' take him out somewhere nice and just wait for the shot
here's a few more of mine where i have waited for the right time


Yeah I meant less DOF.. I was out there for about an hour but the sun was fast fading so I ran out of time. I am learning quickly that photography requires a lot of patience, something I have always been weak in.

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