A Few From 'Bardies' Walk

Space Face

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Feb 7, 2020
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An area near me is called Bardies. Walked the dog up there this morning and decided to take the camera with me. Seems ages since I was out shooting wildlife so it was good and I enjoyed it.

Common Gull: Here in the UK, ironically it's far from common, our most numerous being the Herring and Black-Headed varieties (both noisy, messy pests imo). Where I was brought up we called them land gulls, due to them mainly being found on farm and rural land as opposed to on the coast. Smaller than the Herring gull I do find them prettier with their soft white plumage, red ringed eye and greeinish/yellow legs.
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Tree Sparrow. Sadly numbers have been declining over many years but there are a couple of pockets of them near me where I regularly see them and they seem to be doing fine. Better looking bird than our more common House Sparrow with their lovely chocolate brown head. Not the best of pics I know (heavy crop) but always a pleasure to see them.
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Pied Wagtail on a plastic covered hay bail. Almost looks like a mono conversion.
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I love gulls! Nice set all the way around.
Pied Wagtail on a plastic covered hay bail. Almost looks like a mono conversion.

This one especially looks like a really well done photo. She is a cheery set of feathers on a reflective surface now, isn't she?
~Sanjeev Nanda

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