A few lacrosse photos from todays game.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Can others edit my Photos
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Nice shots and those are some really cool socks lol
Apart from a tighter crop on them, they look good. Try and take out as much of the background as you can. The content is there.
It is really a strange game, my nephew plays so I went to a few games last year. The way I see it is if you don't hit the other player hard enough with your stick it's a penalty. And goalies have a death wish. Plus scoring every 45 seconds is mandatory. I like it :thumbup:
I've found too that shooting sports (I'm a rink rat, hockey for me but I'd take lacrosse if we had some locally!) that the backgrounds tend to have posts and poles and signage which can make photos seem crooked even if it's more the perspective. I frame shots so I've got the posts in between the sections of glass parallel to one edge of the frame.

Since this field has a fence which someone unfortunately for you decided to paint bright yellow across the top that seems to make it more noticeable; I'd think about straightening a little. In the second one I'd try framing below those windows in the building behind the field, that would eliminate all those cut off windows. You captured some nice action and facial expressions - that last one looks determined.
Larger apertures aren't necessarily the best choice, depends on if you want a portrait type shot of one athlete or if you're getting an action shot and want several players in focus along with their sticks (and how close the players are to each other).

Framing along with noticing the backgrounds can make a difference I think in getting good sports photos to avoid having cones and trash cans and other similar distractions in pictures.
Larger apertures aren't necessarily the best choice, depends on if you want a portrait type shot of one athlete or if you're getting an action shot and want several players in focus along with their sticks (and how close the players are to each other).

Framing along with noticing the backgrounds can make a difference I think in getting good sports photos to avoid having cones and trash cans and other similar distractions in pictures.

I've been playing with tighter crops. I'm just plain out of luck for backgrounds though. I'll just keep having fun I guess. lol Thanks vintage. Always appreciate the input.
Fun and photography at the same time ? What a great idea ;)
I've had people offer to pay me for shooting, they look at me a little strange when I say no thanks I'd rather enjoy doing this :wink:

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