Shutter Bug said:
I sure wish you'd open that can of worms e_! I'd never heard that before I'm afraid. I know that TTL meters are calibrated toward 18% grey. Are you saying that handheld meters are calibrated toward a lighter standard? I guess I should know this already. Would you mind clearing it up? Thanks!
... hello Shutter Bug
Yes, okay, it's a can worth opening - but not in this thread
Suffice for now i refer the following URL (but please *note* there are examples of the nude female form near the bottom of page and, beware, this guy talks on even more than i do)
Unless you are shooting transparency or digital, the discrepancy can generally be ignored such is the exposure latitude of negative film - although, if you are a "zone" shooter it will be important
The discrepancy results in your meter "underexposing" - not "overexposing" as you ask
Someone suggested calibrating your methods to that of your meter...
I don't recommend that, it would mean a change of technique every time you changed or upgraded your equipment; it's easier to simply calibrate your meter
My current Sekonic meter "underexposes" by around 6/10 of a stop in relation to my system: if your hand meter does not allow for calibration (and the cheaper ones don't) then simply change the meter's ISO setting when calculating exposure. Here's how:
Using 100 ISO film and my own meter with its 6/10 underexposure as an example, simply set the meter's ISO at 64 (2/3 of a stop
more exposure)
The simplest way to check if your meter is under/over exposing is to shoot some frames of transparency film, bracket, keep a record of what was done and then study the results
With digital, it's somewhat more complicated: under/over exposure cannot be accurately determined on the camera's LCD screen - nor for that matter on your computer's monitor; imaging software with a "histogram" function (such as in Photoshop) is required
I hope that helps for now... (?)
P.S. i highly recommend Bob Shell's article (link above) ... and i also agree with jetwho, although he expresses it somewhat esoterically and w-aay over my head
Welcome to the forum, jetwho!