Advice on simple digital ‘happy-snap’ camera


TPF Noob!
Nov 5, 2024
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Victoria Australia
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Could you please help with a bit of advice for holiday-snaps camera?

In a few months we will be undertaking a bit of a bucket-list OS trip and I would like to have a reasonable digital camera at hand. I have an iPhone 12 but find that extremely unwieldy to use ‘in-the-wild’. Maybe it’s because I am left handed, or basically clumbsy, anyway I cant hold the camera and shoot anything, especially one handed. I also have a Canon IOS with several lenses but it is too heavy to lug around on a tourist bus.

Can you please advise what features I should look for to be the modern equivalent of a ‘box brownie’. If there are any brands I should concentrate on that would be appreciated as well.


John C
Hello and welcome, good luck finding a Box Brownie. Take a look on ebay where you will find lots of inexpensive cameras.
Recurrent question here. Try the Search or Google.
You don't say what your budget is or the features you want???? There's a wide range of options in point & shoot ranging from under $100 to over $1k.
My wife and I use Panasonic TZ series cameras. She has the TZ80 and I the TZ95. perfect for tourism. They have a 30x zoom, starting at a nice wide angle. Both have an EVF viewfinder and the TZ95 has a tilting screen. They both save images in RAW if you want and have full manual controls. I bought my first TZ70 back in 2016 (it sadly took a swim in the sea).

To be perfectly honest they are not 'simple' cameras but can be used totally on auto and perfect for travelling
Potential PITA with ALL digital cameras is battery life. Whatever you get, make sure to check out battery life and the availability/cost of spare batteries and chargers. Research the voltages and plug types for places you plan to visit, too.

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