A night at the Fair.


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Nov 3, 2007
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BDA Native now in NoVA/D.C.
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Nothing like the smell of funnel cakes, smoked turkey legs, and the clanking of hastily assembled whirling machines.

End of the summer fair at Fair Oaks Mall, Fairfax, VA.





Fair Oaks Fair: End of Summer by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr
Nice set. I use to love the "Tilt-A-Whirl" as a kid and now you got me thinking about some tasty fair food.
These are spectacular. I wish I had the strength to stay up late enough to do this type of photography. My body is currently wired for a different time frame due to my regular job.
Love it!!!!! Fairs are like cotton candy for photographers, so many opportunities. I've been eyeing the signs for county fair's that are starting to go up here.
These are spectacular. I wish I had the strength to stay up late enough to do this type of photography. My body is currently wired for a different time frame due to my regular job.
Thanks so much! I hear ya, my body is far from the days of getting started at 9PM and a lot closer to calling it a night at 9PM. Fortunately, this is 5min form the house, so it wasn't too bad. A tactical strike.
Thanks so much! I hear ya, my body is far from the days of getting started at 9PM and a lot closer to calling it a night at 9PM. Fortunately, this is 5min form the house, so it wasn't too bad. A tactical strike.
That's good. I am up at 3:30 - 4:00 am every day for work. Even when I am off I get up at the time Lol. So I'm usually in bed at 8:00 PM unless the wife wants to get jiggy with it, then its 8:02
That's good. I am up at 3:30 - 4:00 am every day for work. Even when I am off I get up at the time Lol. So I'm usually in bed at 8:00 PM unless the wife wants to get jiggy with it, then its 8:02
Same. On all accounts. But it's a pretty wild 2 in, right?!

Then I get a few buddy's who call at like 9PM to go out, and I'm like NOT EVERYONE IS ON COCAINE, FRED.
Got out tonight with the drone and gave it a shot, For anyone interested, here's a link.


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