A single yellow rose C&C


TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2009
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Montgomery, AL
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I was walking through the kitchen and noticed this rose my wife had placed on the table. I was in a "photo" mood so I stuck it in a chair with a nearby black jacket thrown behind it. I stuck the camera on a tripod and got, by my amateur standards, a nice image.

I would apprecioate input regarding the leaves and the white "baby's breath". Are they good as they are, or should I have tried to have them brighter? As you can tell, I went for a somewhat isolated focus.

I would apprecioate input regarding the leaves and the white "baby's breath". Are they good as they are, or should I have tried to have them brighter?
I would leave them as they are...you want the focus on the rose, not all that other stuff. Nice shot.
Great photograph! The liner of your jacket makes for a nice background.
Nice shot. The only thing that I might have tried is to spread the baby's breath out in the back. That would have taken them out of the shadow and filled the picture out a little more. Either way, good job.
Love the lighting on the rose. I might've cropped a little off the sides on this picture, but thats me. Good work
Beautiful shot!
Nice shot, nice lighting, good work :)
Thanks for your positive comments. The suggestions seemed very appropriate. Regarding the suggestion to spread out the baby's breath a little - I was so "into" getting the rose that I did not even look at that. Thanks.

I think it's a really nice capture of the rose. I think you could do a lot to make the shot more interesting, arrange the flower better, etc. but I think the lighting and capture of the rose itself is very nicely done. My immediate reaction was "oh wow, very pretty rose..."

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