A visit to Samsung Transport Museum, Seoul


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Jun 1, 2010
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After our trip to Homa Park, we drove past Samsung's answer to Disneyland and visited the Samsung Transport Museum. It is more focussed on cars than on other modes of transport and has lots of vintage cars, from Rolls Royce Silver Shadows to the original Gullwing to old Pontiacs. There were also some interesting wrecks which they had spray painted silver outside the museum, which struck me at the time as perfect for black and white conversion:

All with Pentax 645D FA 35mm, black and white conversions in Silver efex pro 2

An old beaten up Edsel:

f/11 1/50 ISO 200

edsel by singingsnapper, on Flickr

f/11 1/200 ISO 200

beaten-up-car-at-Samsung-Motor-Museum by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Cord Cabriolet:

f/4.5 1/30 ISO 640

Cord-cabriolet by singingsnapper, on Flickr

converted using software blue filter:

BW-Cord-cabriolet by singingsnapper, on Flickr

An old VW Karmann Ghia:

f/6.7 1/40 ISO 400:

old-VW by singingsnapper, on Flickr

converted using Red software filter:

BW-old-VW by singingsnapper, on Flickr
which they had spray painted silver outside the museum
That was a neat idea. It made for HDR-looking non-HDR images. The next time I see a poorly-done HDR B&W image, "silver painted" will be my comment :)

Car shows (or car museums, like in this case) can be a bit of a challenge to shoot. I think you did just fine, the B&W conversions being especially pleasing. My favourite image would be the Cord Cabriolet, although I'd suggest you lose the distracting elements on the left-hand side of the frame (if possible).
I believe this is the type of car used in the classic Ghostbusters Movie. Even their version was in better nick than this one though!

Pentax 645D FA 35 at f/13n 1/40 ISO 200

Beaten-up-Ghostbusters-car by singingsnapper, on Flickr
I was in Seoul and wish I would have gone to the museum to see those. I like the first shot and 3rd to last. [h=2][/h]

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