A Walk to the Other Side


TPF Noob!
Mar 26, 2004
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What a beautiful area! It's just begging you to cross and take a walk in the woods, isn't it? :)

I do find this image overly saturated, however. I like the fall colors, but it looks a bit overdone, especially along the wood. ;) Just personal preference!
terri said:
What a beautiful area! It's just begging you to cross and take a walk in the woods, isn't it? :)

I do find this image overly saturated, however. I like the fall colors, but it looks a bit overdone, especially along the wood. ;) Just personal preference!

Terri, thanks for the comments. I also think the image is too saturated. The wind was blowing so hard, I couldn't get a shutter speed high enough with ISO 100 to stop the motion in the leaves. They just look like blobs of color. No detail.

canon 20D, kit lens
I'd take a walk there ;)! Great picture, nicely composed.
I think the saturation works here. I think the issue is framing...I really want to move the camera a bit to the right....the edge on the right hand side is not clean, but perhaps there was something there that didn't work in your image?

Anyway, good eyes, keep moving the camera around...and feet move too! Keep having fun.


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