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Advice Needed - Canon EOS Rebel T3i


TPF Noob!
Aug 4, 2024
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Hi all,

My aunt who recently passed as an avid photographer. She left me a Canon EOS Rebel T3i. To be honest, I'm reluctant to sell it because it was passed down to me, but I have no interest in photography. I know next to nothing about cameras, so I was hoping for some guidance with respect to what it's worth. Here's what I know:

- Camera is fully functioning, including the battery and charger and appears to be in excellent (like new) condition

- Includes two lens attachents: (1) a shorter one labeled EFS 18-55mm and (2) a longer lens labeled 75-300mm

- Camera also has (1) a neck strap labeled Canon EOS and (2) two carrying bags - a LowerPro bag for the main camera and a separate Case Logic bag for the extended lens

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I've considered selling it on eBay, but have no clue what to list it for. I live in a somewhat smaller town and am somewhat wary of taking it to the one photography shop in town and selling it way below what it's worth.

Thanks in advance for your help/opinions.
Try eBay completed auctions or KEH for current selling prices. The rest is up to you.
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So a few thoughts

1) A shop will give you a potentially quicker sale. You won't get "market value" because the store has to also profit from the resale of it, but it can be quick and easy to achieve. Some stores will sell on commission so you don't get the money up front, others will buy from you and then sell on their own.

2) Local auctions can be another quick easy source of selling; again you still lose a cut due to them processing things; but again you can get a quicker sale. What you get is more random though - it might go for way under or way over market normal values because of the nature of auctions.
Ebay is the same though has the boon of a much bigger audience.

3) I've noticed over the last few years that whilst ebay is healthy; a lot of trading has gone into facebook trade groups to avoid the fees ebay has. You can do this, but its a bit more legwork for you in working things out and so forth and if you're not experienced at selling online it might be more hassle than its worth for a one-off sale.

4) When you check ebay to see what price similar cameras are going for, remember to set the search results to filter to show "sold" listings. That way it shows the price people are actually paying. There's always a bunch of "for sale" listings that are way over market value (sometimes extremely so). So checking what's actually sold gives you a much more realistic reflection of the value of an item.

The camera you've got is entry level from 2011 so its pretty old by digital technology standards. It sounds like you've got the standard kit lens and a (likely) cheaper zoom lens in the 70-300mm. The Lowpro bag might actually sell for a decent amount if you can find its make/model number on it.

I'm UK based, but I'm seeing prices around the £150-200 range for the camera.
Before you sell it, give the manual a look and maybe take a few shots with it. You might enjoy it.

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