After Eclipse Camera Sensor Check


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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Something that I don't think has been mentioned is that if you used your camera to try to take photos or videos of the eclipse, and this was your first time, you should check your camera's sensor afterwards for possible damage. If you followed good advice, your camera should be fine. But if you messed up, then yes, you could have damaged your camera's sensor. To be certain, you should check your sensor like this:

Take a still picture of something low contrast, like a sidewalk or a cloudy sky, at full resolution using whatever mode gives the most detail.

Carefully inspect the whole image. It should look normal. If there are any black spots on the image, then repeat the process again, but taking a picture of something else. It can be the same general thing (a different piece of sidewalk is fine). If the same "black spot" shows up again, then you have probably damaged your sensor. You need to take it in for repair as soon as possible. The sensor will not "heal itself."


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