
02/02/1983 Enter Date of Birth 21 Age
Wednesday Day you were born
8,029 Days lived
263 Months lived
21 years, 11 months, 23 days Exact age as at 25/01/05
192692:07:22 Time alive (Press & Hold F9 button)
192,692 Hours lived
11561527 Minutes lived
693691642 Seconds lived

64,231 Approx hours slept
2,676 Days sleeping
33% % of life asleep
7.3 Years asleep

832,429,971 Approx number of heart beats

Aquarius Zodiac Sign
Boar Chinese Star Sign

Christie Brinkley, Graham Nash, Farrah Fawcett Share Birthday with

65 Desired Retirement Age 43 Years to Retirement
01/02/2048 Retirement Date 15711 Days to Retirement
11,222 Approx number of workdays

Enter Marriage Date Not Married Years Married
Years to 50th Golden Anniversary
Years to 25th Silver Anniversary

I was in college before you was born -

that hurts

JonMikal said:
geez, I'm old.

I feel your pain
8/23/1971 33 Age
Monday Day you were born
12,210 Days lived
401 Months lived
33 years, 5 months, 2 days Exact age as at 25/01/05
293038:02:25 Time alive
293,038 Hours lived
17582282 Minutes lived
1054936945 Seconds lived

97,679 Approx hours slept
4,070 Days sleeping
33% % of life asleep
11.2 Years asleep :shock:

1,265,924,334 Approx number of heart beats

Virgo Zodiac Sign that's wrong, I'm a leo
Boar Chinese Star Sign ferny, we're both pigs! :mrgreen:

Kobe Bryant, Gene Kelly, Barbara Eden Share Birthday with

65 Desired Retirement Age 31 Years to Retirement :(
8/22/2036 Retirement Date 11531 Days to Retirement
8,236 Approx number of workdays

Enter Marriage Date Not Married
6/17/1969 Enter Date of Birth 35 Age
Tuesday Day you were born
13,007 Days lived
427 Months lived
35 years, 7 months, 8 days Exact age as at 25/01/05
312166:38:06 Time alive
312,167 Hours lived
18729998 Minutes lived
1123799886 Seconds lived

104,056 Approx hours slept
4,336 Days sleeping
33% % of life asleep
11.9 Years asleep

1,348,559,863 Approx number of heart beats

Gemini Zodiac Sign
Rooster Chinese Star Sign

Barry Manilow, Dean Martin, Newt Gingrich Share Birthday with

65 Desired Retirement Age 29 Years to Retirement
6/16/2034 Retirement Date 10733 Days to Retirement
7,666 Approx number of workdays

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