Alternative Fact Thread


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Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
Can others edit my Photos
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I'll start it off.
I LOOKED and looked for a funny photo I took in the grocery store meat case, in which expensive beef cuts were listed on package price stickers, but the packages were all filled with large quanties of chicken, and each pack was around $33! Buuuut, I could not locate that photo.

So, this is gonna have to suffice. My son and I got a big laugh out of this one. iPhone snap.

We thought that this was perhaps the worst canned food label we had ever seen. To me, this looks like a soup bowl,. filled with ketchup, and then a berry and a mint leaf place on top...on top of a dish that seems to have absolutely zero realtionship to evaporated milk.
I LOOKED and looked for a funny photo I took in the grocery store meat case, in which expensive beef cuts were listed on package price stickers, but the packages were all filled with large quanties of chicken, and each pack was around $33! Buuuut, I could not locate that photo.

So, this is gonna have to suffice. My son and I got a big laugh out of this one. iPhone snap.View attachment 135106
We thought that this was perhaps the worst canned food label we had ever seen. To me, this looks like a soup bowl,. filled with ketchup, and then a berry and a mint leaf place on top...on top of a dish that seems to have absolutely zero realtionship to evaporated milk.
That may Trump my alternative facts photos!

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