American soldiers in town


instigator of pottymouthedness
May 25, 2003
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They brought this with them..

Well I was just flappin my lips when i said they brought it with them. I really dont know the history of it. It was parked outside the gates to garden island when the aircraft carrier was in town a couple weeks ago.
it was soo pretty

sounds like u wanna move back luckydog? :(
show us some newcastle shots!
Too damn expensive to live in Sydney now days.

Miss going to all the footy games though (Newcastle Knight's supporters give me the you know whats! :)

I will delve into the Luckydog archives and post some pics for you.

Plan on doing a weekender to sydney soon 'cause i want to take some (make that lots) of harbour night shots. It is the best harbour in the world!!!!

Tis the best harbour in the world!
Not that I have actually seen all the harbours in the world, but its still the best.
You scare me as all my co workers go for the Eels.I dont follow it anymore in protest to them taking my beloved team away. :x

Cant wait to see your night shots :)
awesome shot manda! so you got a thing for men in uniform? cause i got the little catholic school girl outfit that i look just darling in...

sorry again

This topic has gone right off track :)

I don't have a school uniform (thank god i hear you all say), but i do wear a uniform and carry a big gun (sometimes) :)
nope. this one was all me. I love it, i love it ,i love it.

well manda, you cant blame a guy for tryin.

and no, i have no pictures, but the thought burned into your memories will probably ruin you for life, so that should be enough...
I was watching tough crowd with Colin Quinn last night and he mentioned that due to the Japanese economy they have had to cut back on luxuries like schoolgirls :lol:

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