An alternative to deviantArt??


TPF Noob!
Sep 29, 2004
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I figured I would post this and share this with ya all. Recently as many as you know, DA has been, well.....nerve wrecking is a good phrase, with all of the time-outs and instability. The sheer lack of the administration there updating the community and telling them what is happening only came after nearly 3 months went by. As many of you also know, there really isn't an alternative to DA unless you count SheezyArt as one....blah, exactly lol Until now it seems.....
Recently I saw a message in a news post about a new site called Storm-Artists, and from what I have seen, it is much the way DA used to be a few years ago. It is new so there aren't THAT many people on there, just a few thousand, but the customizable options and the sites speed make it quite a worthy contender. There are also no membership levels it seems. It's all free.
Right now the place is in need of some good photographers, like-minded individuals as you all here. The message center is quite familiar though also more broken down for ease of operation (in essence, more refined) Just figured I would give out a FYI, and yes they have groups as well. My site can be seen here
I hope some of you will join us on there!
Maybe I am just ignorant, but what is deviantArt good for anyway?
Maybe I am just ignorant, but what is deviantArt good for anyway?

Well........exposure is one thing, the fact I have sold over 550- worth of prints is #2, and I am approaching something I never expected, a website of mine that has nearly 100,000 views and over 1,000 people who watch me cuz they like my work??? Honestly, I never ever saw that as happening.
There are some GREAT photogs on there and some awesome groups, I seriously have learned a LOT since I have been on there. And that is invaluable.
thanks, so I learned something today.
no, really mean it!

I never really knew what this devian art thing was about, since i never really had a look into it.

Well, there ya go! :) Can ya send me some brotchen now? :D lol What part of Germany are you in? I see Rhine but the Rhine Valley is huge
Well, there ya go! :) Can ya send me some brotchen now? :D lol What part of Germany are you in? I see Rhine but the Rhine Valley is huge

Düsseldorf ... not the most beautiful area of Germany I admit ;)
Oh I don't know, Old Town is nice....I lived in Duisburg-Homberg and Werne (by Hamm and Dortmund)

well the old quarters are ok (and the top fermented dark beer they serve there :) ), but most things around are not that beautiful. I am happy to live right next to the forest though, between Düsseldorf and Ratingen.

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