Another help me pick a DSLR.. specific questions inside.


TPF Noob!
Jan 21, 2011
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My gf has been wanting a DSLR for awhile and after coming back from australia with some decent photos with a point and shoot, I have decided that I have the photography bug too.
Anyways, I am really on a tight budget. I thought I wanted the Canon Rebel XS but after a few days looking online and through the fourms I saw the Pentax K-x. It just seems like a much better camera, and this is where I need your help.

1) Video is completely irrelevant, I want to take pictures!
2) I will be taking sports photos (ice hockey)
3) other photos will really include everything(but primarily sports)
4) I dont have enough money for a 70-200 F/2.8 :grumpy: so what are my options?
5) will the higher ISO of the pentax help? or does the XS have better quality at 1600?
6) how big of a deal is IS? I really like the idea of not having to buy more expensive lenses in the future.
7) not too concerned about the lens selection from pentax (I believe I could use any pentax lens even the old ones?)

To me it seems as if with Canon a lot is being paid for the Canon name, while Pentax has finally made a good camera. (4.7fps i think, etc)

Right now with the XS its $499 with 2 lenses and a bag(70-300 DC)
and the pentax is $529 with just the one lens kit
or its on amazon for $580 with 2 lenses(but not sure about buying from there)

I know I have asked a lot of questions so general responses would be awesome!

-want entry level(cheap) DSLR
-Ice hockey
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Problem you have is Canon make the better cameras but you can't afford the 2.8 lens. IS is built into the Canon lenses. You could buy an m42 adaptor for example to use older, good manual lenses of various makes but these are harder to use for action shots and you'd be lacking IS.

The Olympus E-620 is a DSLR at this price-point that has in-camera IS (i think?). There are good OM/Zuiko lenses on ebay and also the m42 adaptor options etc.
Slickdeals Canon Online Store Deals, Coupons and Promos: Canon XSi 12MP DSLR Camera + 18-55 EF-S Lens + Canon 200DG Camera Bag $366, Canon 40D 10MP DSLR + 28-135mm IS Lens + Canon 200DG Camera Bag $645 (01/21/11 2:15pm)

Right now the Canon XSi (model above the XS) can be bought for $366 with kit lens, bag, and after shipping. New that camera goes for $630 with that lens and without a bag. It's out of stock atm, but you can't beat that deal.

Either way...I'd stick to Canon. I realize I'm slightly biased and there are a few people on this forum that will stick up for Pentax/Olympus bodies/lenses...but truth is there just isn't the selection of lenses with those companies. You can get a ton of older lenses...but they don't compare to some of the upper-echelon Canon lenses (which, someday, you might get into). True, the IS needs to be on the lens for Canon...but you don't *have* to get IS if you don't want to.

Personally I value IS quite high...but I'd still rather use a Canon body and lens combo since I know there are *TONS* of lenses I can put on the body that range from the very old to the brand new. On top of that, I dare you to find an Olympus or Pentax lens that could compare to the IQ of my 70-200 f/2.8 IS II or even the 24-105.
I've purchased about half of my gear from amazon, including my newest lens, a 50mm f/1.4 Sigma. The lens was front focusing, so I did the exchange process with amazon... they shipped a new one to me next-day air mail and gave instructions on how to return the front-focusing one within the next 30 days. They're pretty good imo.

I like that you're looking at the Pentax k-x. That camera is a great bang for the buck. It has in-body autofocusing and stabilization.
Thanks for your response

Thats why I was wondering about the Pentax K-x, its IS is also in camera.

Also could you elaborate on "canon makes better cameras?"
If I wanted to buy a $2k camera then id get a Canon, but does that filter down to the Rebel XS and how so in relation to the other entry level DSLRs?

Im a complete noob, never owned an SLR before and I dont forsee myself being good enough to surpass my cameras ability any time soon, if ever(but im gonna try! lol)
The Pentax IS has some negative reviews on the net. Can't speak from personal experience - never owned one.

Canon and Nikon make the better DSLRs. Better imaging technologies inside. Go to and compare the specs and tests and sample pics. If your a ''noob'' and you wanting to jump into using longer focal lengths to capture fast situations like ice hockey, IS will be a big help.

If you have to do without it in the end, try and use a monopod.
BTW, 200mm isn't that long. Don't know what kind of shots you envisage, but 200mm isn't so long sometimes.

Thanks for your response.

Thats why I was wondering about the Pentax K-x, its IS is also in camera.

Also could you elaborate on "canon makes better cameras?"
If I wanted to buy a $2k camera then id get a Canon, but does that filter down to the Rebel XS and how so in relation to the other entry level DSLRs?

Im a complete noob, never owned an SLR before and I dont forsee myself being good enough to surpass my cameras ability any time soon, if ever(but im gonna try! lol)
Personally I value IS quite high...but I'd still rather use a Canon body and lens combo since I know there are *TONS* of lenses I can put on the body that range from the very old to the brand new. On top of that, I dare you to find an Olympus or Pentax lens that could compare to the IQ of my 70-200 f/2.8 IS II or even the 24-105.

I completely believe you about the IQ on your 70-200 but its also more than double what either camera would cost. :grumpy:

I guess my real question is in practise how much does IS matter?
Canon without IS or K-x with it is where I am at.
because if I do go with the XS it wouldnt come with an IS lens, and I wouldnt be able to afford one (theyre close to double the price of the same lens without IS)
lol a little slow with my last question...already answered thanks!!

yes, just looking at the specs, everything seemed to be better on the k-x, i didnt really see a downside other than the lens selection.

Also from reading posts on here am I completely screwed for ice hockey with the cheaper lenses from either company?
(either 50-200 or 70/75-300 f/4-5ish)
This is the comparison I got most of those numbers/ideas from
I need one more post to post it lol
I guess my real question is in practise how much does IS matter?
Canon without IS or K-x with it is where I am at.
because if I do go with the XS it wouldnt come with an IS lens, and I wouldnt be able to afford one (theyre close to double the price of the same lens without IS)

Canon without IS. Better camera performance. More lens options available.
Also, due to the accomodating flange/back focus distance of the Canon EOSs (the distance between the sensor in the body and the rear-element of a mounted lens, you can use lots of old lenses via adaptors (including Pentax).
Also from reading posts on here am I completely screwed for ice hockey with the cheaper lenses from either company?
(either 50-200 or 70/75-300 f/4-5ish)

Maybe/maybe not. Depends on the scenario.
Get the impression your heart is set on the Pentax. Go with it!
I kindof am set on it (i love it in white) lol, but the numbers seem too good to be true almost and im really worried that there will be this huge "ohhh thats why" moment after I buy it.

if the xsi was in stock I probably would have jumped on that though
I LOVE my pentax. The IS is great :) I like that you can use almost any lens that they have ever made except the old screw mount ones of course.

I went from a Pentax k-m and I was going to save up and buy the K-7 but I don't need the video so I decided to buy a used K20d and i'm very happy with my decision. If you want to see some results of the K20d I just just posted this thread.

Pentax is a little noisy-er but it leaves more detail so if you want to remove the noise in PP you can do more and loose less of the image detail. :)

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