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anyone use active D lighting ??


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 23, 2014
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Akron Ohio
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i always have mine turned off. just curious if anyone thinks its worth turning on.
No since only Nikon software will recognize the feature, and I don't use Nikon software.
You're processing NEF files in LR -- ADL is a camera-JPEG-focused processing feature that sacrifices your NEF files for what it achieves in JPEG processing. If you want a best possible NEF keep ADL turned off.

Nah, I shoot in raw mode. I don't want the camera to process any of my pictures, I want complete control.
You don't necessarily need to lose the RAW to use active D-lighting. You can keep it disabled, and simply go to the menu and use ADL on a specific image you want. The camera will create a separate jpeg copy with the ADL, and keep your RAW untouched. I've used it in a couple of occasions when the image was too shadowy but I had to show it to someone on the spot, in the camera.
OK, i forgot that raw photos don't get those kind of features, lol. nevermind :biggrin-93:
You don't necessarily need to lose the RAW to use active D-lighting. You can keep it disabled, and simply go to the menu and use ADL on a specific image you want. The camera will create a separate jpeg copy with the ADL, and keep your RAW untouched. I've used it in a couple of occasions when the image was too shadowy but I had to show it to someone on the spot, in the camera.

I think you're confusing D-Lighting with Active D-Lighting -- they're not the same.

With ADL on you don't lose the option to save a raw file, you get an inferior raw file because of the way ADL works. It's a trade off for a fast camera JPEG with improved tone response in high dynamic range conditions, but ironically what you're trading is a forced reduction in sensor dynamic range in the raw file. With ADL active the camera metering system reduces exposure. Underexposing reduces sensor DR.


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