Arachnid BettyBoopus?


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Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
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Today, at the pool, I looked up at the underside of the umbrella and spotted a spider with red legs. I took a few shots with my iPhone 7+. When doing minimal editing in the phone, I discovered what sure looks to me like a tattoo of Betty Boop on its abdomen. (All I did was brighten and crop the image.)

That would've ruined my pleasure time at the pool. That's one big, ugly, creepy spider. Any idea what kind it is? I know it isn't called the Betty Boop spider. :wink-6:
That would've ruined my pleasure time at the pool. That's one big, ugly, creepy spider. Any idea what kind it is? I know it isn't called the Betty Boop spider. :wink-6:
It was actually less than an inch long.
I just showed the photo to my wife and daughter, and they don’t see Ms Boop, but do see an upside-down skull.

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