Are grip Battery tray compartments interchangeable between models?


'ya all Bananas I tell 'ya
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Aug 15, 2013
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Just as the title asks
Are grip Battery tray compartments interchangeable between models?

FYI, should I be able to swap out the battery tray from my MB-D11 (d7000) with the battery tray from a MB-D14 (d600) ?

I'm curious because I've seen knockoffs from China down to the packaging
and my D11 tray does not quite go into the D14 grip, and vice versa which makes me wonder if it's a knockoff or not.

I'm curious if Nikon thought of making these interchangeable at all.
or if it's just the way it is where they are closely designed but not interchangeable.


And they're not even interchangeable between the OEM and all the knock-offs made for the same camera.
I can't say for certain, but I'd think it would depend on whether or not the two batteries are the same size & shape.

I have two different grips, one for a 20D, for for a 5DmkII....and the Canon batteries have a different design (contacts are spaced differently). So in that case, I don't think the grip trays would be compatible because they have to use the contacts, the same as the batteries would.
I can't say for certain, but I'd think it would depend on whether or not the two batteries are the same size & shape.

I have two different grips, one for a 20D, for for a 5DmkII....and the Canon batteries have a different design (contacts are spaced differently). So in that case, I don't think the grip trays would be compatible because they have to use the contacts, the same as the batteries would.

That's why I was asking.
The Nikon d7000 and d600 use the same batteries. (as does the d7100, d610, d800 if I recall)
The trays are "similar" but not "exactly" the same between my 7000 and 600 grips.

I could stick the d7000 tray 2/3rds into the 600 grip but not vice versa.
I was just worried that I bought a similar Chinese d600 knockoff

the battery is easily switchable though.

you would think manufacturing-wise, they would have one tray for multiple grip units to cut down on engineering, manufacturing and inventory costs.

And they're not even interchangeable between the OEM and all the knock-offs made for the same camera.
That can't be helped if the knockoffs don't design it exactly the same.

I was hoping my grips would have the same trays. Oh well. Life goes on :)

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