Auberge de Soleil-- Wedding shots (C&C please).


TPF Noob!
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Berkeley, California
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I shot my dad's wedding with my new DSLR last Friday, July 20th, and I'm sad to say that only one shot came out. I would like C&C though, and I might post some more here later, although this one is definitely my best out of the few 'okay' ones.

It's too dark for my tastes. The tree at the right instantly jumps out at me. Having the gear to do it I would have probably lit the couple with an off camera flash through a diffuser to get the background exposure down, like right down, not fill flash, but make the flash THE light source. Of course fill flashing would have helped too. Another idea would be to raise the exposure and completely blow out the background.

The other thing that troubles me is the pose. Not the pose itself, but the direction. The bride has her back to the centre of the frame. The entire pose is open to the left but there is nothing more left to look at.
You mentioned your photos were ok to edit and I was bored. I had a bit of a play with it. Still trying to keep it as a 6x4 gives a lot of wasted space on the top. Adjusted curves to bring the brightness up a lot. Adjusted hue because their skin turned red in the process. Not ideal in my eyes but better. Other people can probably give you different ideas.
Looks like you took them into the shade for better lighting but just let the camera choose exposure, if you do this you're better off using the spot metering and lock exposure on their skin, other than that use flash but lock exposure on the highlights, this will balance your flash output and give a better overall exposure of the subject. H

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