B&W Challenge: Architecture at night

gk fotografie

hora lapsa non redebit
Supporting Member
Jun 13, 2015
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The B&W Challenge is a fun thing, no competition and no prizes. Every digital photographer and film photographer can participate in this weekly challenge with as many photos as desired. Feel free to enter the world of black & white photography! I'd like to thank @photoflyer for coming up with this theme.

Look for statues, shopping centers, churches, bridges or traffic squares etc. that are lit up in the evening and night, get out your wide-angle lenses and your tripod, there must be also room for some strobist experiments, so plenty of options, I guess.

Have fun!
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Ok, I'll start things off. I was going to shoot the Jefferson Memorial but instead of less scaffolding I found more - there is a lot of work being performed on the dome and roof. So I walked the Tidal Basis to shoot other icons like the Washington Monument, WW II Memorial, MLK Memorial and the FDR but this is what really caught my eye.


World War II Visitors Center
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Maybe tonight. Two issues, its rained every day and night this week.... 2nd, I'm in bed by 7:30 every night, because I work early am. It's raining now, again. Will see. I have a plan but weather permitting.
Maybe tonight. Two issues, its rained every day and night this week.... 2nd, I'm in bed by 7:30 every night, because I work early am. It's raining now, again. Will see. I have a plan but weather permitting.

I'm sure it's dark that early in the AM.
Maybe tonight. Two issues, its rained every day and night this week.... 2nd, I'm in bed by 7:30 every night, because I work early am. It's raining now, again. Will see. I have a plan but weather permitting.

I'm sure it's dark that early in the AM.
it was raining pretty good every day this week in the am. I brought my camera, tripod, and plastic bag but I ain't ruining my camera. Looking like I will be able to get it done tonight.
it was raining pretty good every day this week in the am. I brought my camera, tripod, and plastic bag but I ain't ruining my camera. Looking like I will be able to get it done tonight.

Consider jacking the ISO way up and hand holding. For black and white I find that the noise actually adds a bit of a film look to the image. The shot I posted up top was hand held at at least 12800 or maybe even 25600. Trouble is the new camera is very good at high ISO so I think I still did something in post to add a bit of grain.
it was raining pretty good every day this week in the am. I brought my camera, tripod, and plastic bag but I ain't ruining my camera. Looking like I will be able to get it done tonight.

Consider jacking the ISO way up and hand holding. For black and white I find that the noise actually adds a bit of a film look to the image. The shot I posted up top was hand held at at least 12800 or maybe even 25600. Trouble is the new camera is very good at high ISO so I think I still did something in post to add a bit of grain.

Dude, not getting camera wet.

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