B&W Challenge: BOTTLE(S)

gk fotografie

TPF Supporters
Supporting Member
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
The B&W Challenge is a fun thing, no competition and no prizes.

Theme: BOTTLE(S)

In each challenge, you can upload as many black & white photos as you wish.
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(Fuji X-T20 + Fujinon 56mm)
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Fantastic photo and well seen, I would really like to see this photo in black and white, because the B&W Challenge is only intended for black and white photography, but I don't think converting to black and white won't be much of a problem.
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6 pack2.JPG
Fantastic photo and well seen, I would really like to see this photo in black and white, because the B&W Challenge is only intended for black and white photography, but I don't think converting to black and white won't be much of a problem.
My humble apologies. Call it a senior moment. Could you delete the post please. I doesn't really lend itself to Mono. It needs the colour. I will see if I have anything else.
My humble apologies. Call it a senior moment. Could you delete the post please. I doesn't really lend itself to Mono. It needs the colour. I will see if I have anything else.
Thank you, can happen to anyone, it's not the end of the world. Your participation is appreciated, hope to continue to welcome you at the B&W Challenges in the future.

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