B&W Seagulls Lined Up Next To A River @ f/2. Osaka, Japan.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 21, 2012
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Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki, Japan
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I took me awhile to get close enough with my 50mm to get this. I put my 5D3 on silent shutter mode and kept the camera raised to limit my movement. I would gradually move toward the Seagulls and stop to get some shots and get them used to my presence.

I agree on the DOF as there is only one Seagull in focus,almost two in focus. The idea is neat though.
I think with this one can go both ways; with full DOF it will be nice, informative picture of how many birds you've got with one shot (:D, sorry, couldn't resist). But the opposite with extremely shallow DOF has own emotional level and some space for viewer's imagination.
That's also true this^^. I find it funny that they all look like there facing the same way,like its a rule or something.
yup. more birds in focus would have had greater impact.
still a fine shot though.
Really nice, works as a B&W
I like the shallow DOF here - it might even be more interesting with less. I would crop the left side to remove the pole and the structure in the upper left, and also clone that light spot in the middle of the railing.
I like the shallow DOF but then... I like shallow DOF. Take it with a grain of salt :)
Like Timor was saying, I was trying make the picture more dramatic and to strike more emotion. :) KenC you are right I should have cloned out that white spot lol. I did very minor adjustments photo. Mainly just the B&W conversion and contrast adjustments.
Good, and rather comical, capture. :D

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