Nice photos! The curve of the railroad tracks in number one doesn't look as smooth as the curve in the second photo. Also, that random piece of green (plastic?) near the bottom center of the second photo bothers me a little.
Yeah i'm not sure what that is, but i wasn't going to clean off the railroad tracks to take the picture lol,
it doesn't really bother me, as for i was just out and on the fly decided to snap the shots..
The Tracks in the black and white shot, yes the tracks are like that, they are old and probably original tracks, they are the tracks that lead to the Prince Spaghetti In Lowell. at that point what you see that's about 1/4 a mile from the Prince Spaghetti factory, that is the tracks the train came to deliver supplies directly to the mills, the tracks are bent like that i guess from years of use and what not, they are wavy.
I have a picture of the bridge, witch is directly below the black and white shot..
You can even see the old welcome sign , saying,
"Welcome To Prince Spaghetti"
I use to live in Boston in the north end, with the kid who was in the Tv Commercial, I lived next door to him, i was younger then he was not much, but any way, in 1966 when my brother was born, a couple guys who worked for an avertisment agency asked Anthony and his friends for directions, and later on they remembered him and i was with him at the time some guys come to him asking if he wanted to be in a TV commercial, i thought they was scarry guys, but any way he told them where he lived and then he ran home, about 2 hours later i asked him what his mom said when he told them about the guys and he said that his mom thought that he got in trouble and thought he was implying he was going to be on tv on the news lol.
later on the deal was made and he did become the famous Anthony for the Prince Spaghetti commercial,
I got to watch the tv commercial being made, they did takes in different places of Boston, one of them at the commons, the house that he was running to was not his house, i really never saw it before until the commercial was being filmed,
it looks different now then it did, the end building in the ally way is gone and you can see the water.
It's about 1 or 2 hundred yards to the sumner tunnel where the house was. And in a busy business district. the woman who played his mother was not really his mother, the one yelling out the window "Anthony" was a woman named Mary something i forget.
Any way, his full name was Anthony Martignetti , they used his real name, he was a cool kid and it was awesome to witness a famous tv commercial like that being made.
Anthony went and got a job for Polaroid, in fact met and worked with Tom Scholtz, member from the rock band boston.
The last word i got was he works as officer for a district court in Massachusetts i don't think i should post which one in here, but that was the last time i got any word on what he is doing now.
By the way the Prince Pasta Plant was in Lowell, Not Boston.
Prince spaghettiville was really located in Lowell, right near the pictures you just saw.