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Furtographer Extraordinaire!
Staff member
Jun 23, 2015
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Petawawa, Ontario
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Nice snowies and rough-legged. I am surprised your Snowies haven't left for parts north yet. I think most of the ones in my part of the world are either gone or hiding. :biggrin-93:

Nice set, the hawk shot is very cool.
I love owls. Great shots.
Thank you.
I am surprised your Snowies haven't left for parts north yet. I think most of the ones in my part of the world are either gone or hiding. :biggrin-93:
Ours will stick around for another month or so.
Thank you.
I am surprised your Snowies haven't left for parts north yet. I think most of the ones in my part of the world are either gone or hiding. :biggrin-93:
Ours will stick around for another month or so.

I'll have to take you up on your offer soon then. I'll Pm you next week.

Nice set.
Such a wonderful set!
Another great set. I haven't seen a single owl this season of any sorts, but I know the Snowies have visited this area because a pic of one made it to a local tv station's photo segment.

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