Bald Eagle


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Oct 26, 2018
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New Hampshire
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Eagles are so beautiful I live in Bedford County, PA they are just starting to return to our area hoping to one day get the opportunity to photograph them! These shots are fantastic!
Good shooting. I hope to get a chance this winter. They are around but usually too far away or on a road I can’t pull over on. Safely anyway.
Powerful looking beast.
Eagles are so beautiful I live in Bedford County, PA they are just starting to return to our area hoping to one day get the opportunity to photograph them! These shots are fantastic!
Thanks and it is good to hear they are returning to your area. And I hope you get one too. I went out hoping to spot a Snowy Owl but he was the one who was obliging.
Good shooting. I hope to get a chance this winter. They are around but usually too far away or on a road I can’t pull over on. Safely anyway.

I first spotted him pretty far out on the marsh and I didn't think I was going to get a shot. Then he turned and came straight at me. My lucky day.

I like the intense look in #4. Very good job seeing and getting these!
Yeah, I was struck by that too, just had to crop in to get a good look at it.


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