Bee snapshot to share from hiking in Tennessee


TPF Noob!
Jul 31, 2007
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Northern Indiana
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Here is a snap shot of a bee I saw while hiking in Tennessee. Just thought I would share it to go along with all the other nice photos of bees that have been posted on TPF as of late.

It's not a macro per say just a close up, my lens is not rated to do true macro shots. Feel free to C & C as you feel led.


My own after thoughts:
1.) Cut off petals at the bottom.
2.) May be a little over saturated but for the most part that was on camera set.
3.) Background is a little noisy, may be a lower ISO.
4.) shallow depth of field may be too shallow but for me I liked the way it turned out and put the subject where I wanted it in the DOF.
I think I might experiment with a tighter crop. It looks pretty good as shown, but I think a bit more nuance in the color saturation could improve it.
Thanks Derrel, will definitely look into playing with it a bit more it. Thanks for your time and the comments.
Very nice image! Nice clarity and contrast. Yup, play with cropping and saturation.

One thing I find a bit strange, though, is that as I look at this it looks fake in some way. Then I realize - I expected the bee to be black and yellow, but it looks black and grey and the only other thing that's yellow is the flower. Probably has nothing to do with your photography or post processing, but it still keeps making me go, "hmmm". Maybe it's just me.
^^ bees come in a lot of colors. Some of the coolest ones have really pale color stripes.

Thats a nice capture. Maybe bring a littl fill light in on the bee. And yeah, tighter crop since youve already broken the bottom of the frame. :thumbup:

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