Before and After -- Looking for comments on my processing.


TPF Noob!
Apr 21, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I realize these are backyard snapshots but I am curious what others think of my processing. I'm on LR3 and I have a bad monitor at work so I suspect they could be "off" a bit, but can anybody offer comments on the following:

1. White balance
2. Saturation
3. Sharpness?

Thanks for looking.

Image 1: SOOC with no edits

[/URL] KAB SOOC by jwbryson1, on Flickr[/IMG]

Second Image: Edited in LR3.

[/URL] KAB Processed by jwbryson1, on Flickr[/IMG]
Not bad, glad that you didn't overdo the processing, good choice of crop, and a nice call on the increased contrast. Cute kid, by the way.
Thanks. As I look at the image again, I think the saturation is pushed up a bit too much, but it's hard to tell on this monitor.

Thanks for the post.
Right. I'd drop the saturation a bit, keeping an eye on the baby's skin tones. Nice composition and a sweet little girl! ^_^
Love the crop - she's super cute! I think I would brush brighten her face only since the shadow is a bit strong.
better no doubt, cute pic! if it were me, i'd crop a lil bit tighter in the top right and get rid of that little triangle created by the fence top.
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Hope you dont mind :) I think your right when you said the saturation was turned up a little too much. She almost looks redish/orange. I put up the contrast a tad and then brighten it just a little & ofc, cropped it.

Very cute kid btw!
errmm. it didnt look like that on photoshop, it appears more red here.
errmm. it didnt look like that on photoshop, it appears more red here.

Thanks for the edits. Yeah, a bit reddish but that can be adjusted. :thumbup:
Hi there! Cute shot. I think there is too much magenta is in her skin. The wb is off.

Here is my edit! On water shots I love b/w because you can really bring out the water.
convert to b/w, increase contrast, curves play, add clarity, sharpen, burn fence/water


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okay looking at it here she is still to dark. I would prob lighten shadows a little more with curves and darken that one hand. but this was a quick edit ;)
Everyone already pointed out how to improve. I would say cute kid!! :)

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