Behaving Like a Tourist


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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Welcome to the smallest National Park in the US. I walked around the Gateway Arch NP this morning. I tried to resist taking a picture of the Arch but in the end I caved. I showed it to my wife this afternoon and she said, "Yep definitely need more pictures of that." I also got a snap of Harry Weber's fine sculpture on the riverfront that commemorates the end of the Corps of Discovery when Lewis and Clark finished their epic journey returning to St. Louis. I'd say Seaman (the dog) had the best time. Fuji X-T2 w/18-55mm


I showed it to my wife this afternoon and she said, "Yep definitely need more pictures of that."

Well. It's still a nice picture. ;) I had a lot of family around St Louis and have been taken there many times. It's kind of what you do.
Great pic! You can tell the sculpture really downsized the boat. It would sink in a heartbeat in real life. :lol:
Been there. Love the tiny little elevator that takes you to the top. Nice shots.

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