Best Non c41 Black and White developers


TPF Noob!
Nov 9, 2004
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Hiya guys im relatively new to the world of photography and have just started shooting black and white. My last couple of films where C41s so there was no problems in getting it develop. However my latest film is a Ilford 1600 black and white film which isnt c41.
I know Jessops (my usual developers) develop these but i was wondering on some expert opinions on the best places to get these types of films developed. Is there anything i need to look out for? Will certain places put them in a better wash then others etc etc. Also any info on costs would be great.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Also just curious to who you guys normally go to to get your films developed?
Jessops, Snappy Snaps, PhotoFirst etc etc and reasons for them over others.
Thanks again.
Soz, nother question, just kinda wonna learn! sorry! why do they have to send it away, is the process different. Is it because the films faster that the chemicals have to be more exact?
I tend to use Snappy Snaps as my local Jessops is terrible. It's all in your local shop really, it's only as good as its staff.

Im in North London.
Just kinda wondering about non c41, will there be any big difference from developer to developer?
daveyboy said:
Soz, nother question, just kinda wonna learn! sorry! why do they have to send it away, is the process different. Is it because the films faster that the chemicals have to be more exact?

Nope, it's cos the process is different and their machine doesn't do it. Try and find a shop where they don't send it away, at least you can complain if they mess it up!

A tank, reel and chemicals are but a small investment. Then you have no-one to blame but yourself if things go wrong.
daveyboy said:
Dont say tht Rob, you'll make me feel nervous!:-)

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.

Nah, it'll be fine. Unless they lose it. Or the post office loses it. Or they give you someone else's film.

Actually, Ilford are pretty good value for send away. I have got negatives back that have looked like they play with them in a sand pit though.

If you're in London then there are lots of Snappy Snaps franchises which can do E6 and B&W in house. Some are better than others.


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