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Best Places to buy a lens


TPF Noob!
Dec 24, 2007
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Ok, I am new to the photography world, and other than Ritz camera, I only know of one other shop that sells camera equipment in the Orlando area. (Colonial photo and hobby).

I am looking to get the 50mm f/1.8, and maybe a cheap(er) 70-300mm lens, (tamron or cannon) for my cannon xt. So other than eBay, where does everyone buy their lenses from?
B&H photo video

Seriously i would avoid ritz, everything is mush more expensive there.

Example: SB-800 Ritz price 395, B&H price 319.

For the same thing!

Anyways check em' out HERE
B&H and Adorama for sure. Click the links at the top right corner of the forum to help support the site.


Another non-Ritz reputable local chain. Here in the DC area we have a great pro shop chain called Penn Camera. They've got all the good stuff, and the staff is great. Prices on the big ticket items like bodies and lenses are the same as mail order which is great, but then they jack up the prices on accessories. That's okay with me, since I try to avoid big ticket purchases via mail order. I have really bad luck.
nice, thanks guys!
I have heard keh.com is a good place to buy used.

The 'shops' on ebay sell stuff at great prices. I got a lens yesterday that was £280 on "warehouseexpress"... and £200 on ebay, new, from a ebay shop.

saved myself 80 quid towards my next lens :D
B&H, all the way... good prices and never have problems with delivery
B&H photo video

Seriously i would avoid ritz, everything is mush more expensive there.

Example: SB-800 Ritz price 395, B&H price 319.

For the same thing!

Anyways check em' out HERE

That actually doesn't sound to bad for ritz. I purchased the Canon 70-200 f4 L of adorama for $538, at ritz they wanted $750. Which is about $800 after tax.

As for Ebay, i would watch it. A lot of the items on ebay that "stores" are selling are grey market.
I buy from B&H, and I don't even live in the US. They are the best, have the best prices, and deliver on time. Customer support is amazing as well..and they are actually knowledgeable.
I almost always use B&H because I LOOOOOVE THEM....but I occasionally buy locally as well because my local camera shop has a wonderful return policy.
I know that B&H is really good. I've bought from Amazon before, but I'd rather have bought from B&H. Don't overlook local camera stores, they may be more expensive, but there is some value in having the store to take things back to or what not. I know that my local store will do anything they can to get me to keep going there, including making sure I get good service.
B&H is my Disneyland!

Our last trip to NYC, I was with my family plus 3 friends. I broke away and said I was going shopping! Keep your mobile phones on and I'll meet you where ever you are in the city but I'm taking the train to 9th and 34th!

Oops... I forgot about the OP. <ahem> "Try B&H for your gear."
Check out Abes of Maine.I purchased my camera and accessories from them at what I think were great prices.


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