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best way to trigger flashes


TPF Noob!
May 3, 2008
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i been reading alot about off camera flashes and was thinking about getting one...ive read about the cactus triggers, sync cables, pocket wizards ect...seems confusing to me...right now i have a canon 430ex and was thinking about just buying a canon 580 flash to trigger my 430..is their a downside to using this compared to the others
Yes, by using an optical trigger such as one triggered by a flash or infrared you lose so many opportunities. I'm not sure how Canon flashes trigger, but you gain so much more control by using radio triggers.

There are so many out there, but depending on your budget and how much you want to do, it can get very crazy.

Many novices choose to use "ebay triggers" due to their low cost, however you suffer performance. Gadget Infinity who makes the "Cactus triggers" are very popular and can be found at MPEX.com By doing 2 simple mods you can gain 300ft of range and more battery life. While this is no excuse for professional quality Pocket wizards, it's 1/3 the cost, or more.

If you're a pro or you MUST HAVE reliability, then PW's are the go to choice for flash triggering. However, prepare to spend a few hundred per trigger.

Hope this helps.
ok so...right now i only have on flash...if i wanted to use it off camera i would need something like this Cactus V2s Radio Slave Set
Yes...but just so you know, the Cactus triggers aren't the best made most reliable triggers on the market. They have a high return rate and a fairly high failure rate. If you get lucky and get a set that works then you'll probably be happy with them for at least a year.

You'll also need to get a light stand, an umbrella swivel bracket and a umbrella or some way to diffuse or control the flash.
I got this one two weeks ago. works great. I easily get 100ft outside with them with no problem. No mods(as of yet :D) I didn't have one misfire yet. I could say, from an actual owner, they are reliable. Also talk to JerryPH, he uses the cactus triggers and he got them to do so much for him. Also the ones I linked already come with a AAA battery holder thingy. The cactus ones use different batteries.

Edit: If the link doesn't work search for PT-04 on ebay, and the seller is outstandingstore111
Play it safe and get cybersyncs, they're a lot cheaper than pocket wizards and they're extremely reliable.
AlienBees: Remote Controls, Wired and Wireless Remotes for your Flash Units

You're going to need a Transmitter CST and a receiver CSRB, both are wireless (the ones I have.) Imo, they're more accurate and cheaper than buying a 580ex and using its infrared triggering which in some cases, require to be 'line of site' to successfully be triggered. They have great range and success rate is 100% for me.

With that said, your 430EX does not have a pc sync slot, so you'll have to get an adapter. FlashZebra.com: PC to Flash Hotshoe Adapter (Item #0065)
Flash zebra is a reputable dealer and I've done business with them several times.

I also bought my flash/umbrella mount adapter there as well.

Some people get lucky with ebay triggers, some don't...it's a 50/50 chance and I wouldn't risk paying twice to get it right the 2nd time. Then again, if you're on a tight budget and can't wait, you can get some cactus triggers and do a modification to extend the radio's frequency.
Play it safe and get cybersyncs, they're a lot cheaper than pocket wizards and they're extremely reliable.
AlienBees: Remote Controls, Wired and Wireless Remotes for your Flash Units

You're going to need a Transmitter CST and a receiver CSRB, both are wireless (the ones I have.) Imo, they're more accurate and cheaper than buying a 580ex and using its infrared triggering which in some cases, require to be 'line of site' to successfully be triggered. They have great range and success rate is 100% for me.
I use CyberSyncs as does 7 of my shooting buddies (3 other guys use PocketWizards) and have been very happy with their performance. None of my friends have had any problems with their CyberSyncs (which is why I bought them too) and we all use them a lot.
Flash zebra is a reputable dealer and I've done business with them several times.

I also bought my flash/umbrella mount adapter there as well.
I also buy from FlashZebra and recommend them all the time. Great service and very fast shipping.
Some people get lucky with ebay triggers, some don't...it's a 50/50 chance and I wouldn't risk paying twice to get it right the 2nd time. Then again, if you're on a tight budget and can't wait, you can get some cactus triggers and do a modification to extend the radio's frequency.
On another forum a bunch of the members jumped on the GI Cactus V4 bandwagon and about half of them ended up with dead triggers and had to send them back. The V4's are very new and may need to have the kinks worked out of them, but they're made in China and we all know how good the quality control in China can be...I think it's optional.

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