I like this, very nice treatment, fits the subject nicely (and cool subject as well). There's something about the sky on the top left corner that doesn't work for me though, but I can't put my finger on what. It would've been nice to see more of the flag, but this is not a deal-breaker (for me anyway).
You should be able to remove the distortion caused the lens in Photoshop.
I'd like it without the flag all together, if the flag isnt black then i dont dig but that's my own little thing. I see what invisible was saying about the sky, while on the left it's a bit detailed but the rest is a lot more flat, I don't think it detracts too much but it does a little to me due to the top left of the building standing out a lot less.
I like this a lot overall, but I would like to see either less clouds, or more clouds (probably more).