Big or Small


TPF Noob!
Jul 18, 2010
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I live in Idaho
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Been seeing alot of this vs that debate here on the forums, I myself love em so thought I would add one myself. I have always favored lower capacity cards over higher right now I use 4GB San disk Extremes but the are getting harder to find new. I would probably still be with 2GB which is what I used with my old D90 but short of ebay I cant find them. My thought question is who uses the higher capacity cards and why? I know there is not to much chance of having corrupt data anymore especially when using good cards which I always insist on, but still, there is always the chance which is why I have always gone small. Is it time for me to pick up some 32GB cards or should I hop back on ebay. Thanks all
Yeah, there still around. I was mostly referring to the two GB cards which is what I would probably use still.
Since we had that discussion RAW vs JPEG.. I dont really care anymore LOL. I can put **** load of JPEG in any card!
Ok.. i prefer small.
I cringe and my anxiety level increases dramatically, when I contemplate the possibility of loosing 500 RAW photos in one fell swoop.

I use smaller cards, but more of them. It only takes a few seconds to change cards, though you need to have a system of managing multiple cards.

I usually carry 3 cards for each camera body and always have 2 bodies available, so I must keep track of at least 6 cards.
I've never taken 500 photos before reaching a computer. I suppose if I were a pro and had this situation then I would be more concerned. Especially if it was a wedding where It's conceivable that I would take more than 500 pics before reaching a computer. Then maybe i'd get some 4gb cards and only use half? but I usually don't take more than 200 pics at a family event. Which is all I really do.
I was shooting with larger cards, and have since started using smaller cards.
I also do not take as many photos per session as I used to, my skill level has improved ;)

But I also like the idea of less images per card, and as Keith mentioned, they are easy to change and not hard to manage at all.
I like the newer SanDisk 8 gigabyte, 30 MB/s transfer rate cards. I bought a handful of them when B&H Photo had a big sale the day after Thanksgiving last year...they are a good compromise size...not too small,not too big, but juuuuust right.

I do not worry about losing images due to card failure. In almost 10 years, I have never had a card fail. I have however, had two, IBM 1-gigabyte Microdrives burn up, but those were actual micro hard drives!
Yea, I'm with Derrel. I got 4 8gb cards, and they seem to be the perfect size.

I own two SanDisk Extreme III's (30mb/s), and two Patriot Signature 266x's. The Patriots I picked up because the prices on the SanDisks had gone up like crazy when I went to purchase two more, and after owning 2 Patriot USB sticks which have been amazingly awesome (and had some of the best reviews on the market at the time) I figured I'd take a chance on them. They were less than half the price (and even now are still $28 compared to $47 for the SanDisks right now), and after 5 months of owning them I can safely say they kick butt. They are as fast, if not faster, as the SanDisk's and have yet to fail me.

[ame=] Patriot Signature 8 GB 266x CompactFlash Memory Card PSF8G266CF: Musical Instruments[/ame]

...if anyone is interested. :)
I cringe and my anxiety level increases dramatically, when I contemplate the possibility of loosing 500 RAW photos in one fell swoop.

That's because you're old.

I do the same thing.... always have. Always had 120 backs instead of 220.

Oh well.

:biglaugh: :thumbup:

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